
on 7/5/14 4:36 am, edited 4/14/17 8:06 am - Canada
RNY on 10/22/13


Opti October 1. PATTS October 8th and RNY Surgery October 22, 2013

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

(deactivated member)
on 7/5/14 6:06 am

I am so sorry you are having so much pain. Unless I missed it, where are you having pain.. I agree with medication leaves our system faster. I'm wondering is there something you could do for the pain where ever it is such a aqua fitness, or even physiotherapy some thing like that. I'm sure its not fun to take Percocet  every day. Your body will get used to it and may not respond in the same way. Not saying you are addicted at all. Its the same with the anti depressants I'm on, eventually they need to be adjusted or changed because my body gets used to them. You may have to go get another doctor, if your doctor doesn't understand post wls he isn't doing you any good. Keep us posted, I hope you find a solution soon!! Keep smiling. 

on 7/5/14 6:23 am - Canada
RNY on 10/22/13

Thanks =) I didn't list the pain issues because I didn't want to make my forever long post any longer than it was, lol. I have 3 ruptured disks in my back, spinal stenosis with osteophytes. Pinched Sciatica nerve that goes down my right leg and causes massive pain some days. I have plantar fasciitis in both feet, large ganglion cysts on my right ankle, elbow joint inflammation etc etc, lol. I sound like an 80 year old woman =)

Believe or not, I am only 40 years old, and after much trial and error I found the perfect recipe to manage things so that I at least appeared to the rest of the world to be fairly normal and pain free. Now, not so much. I believe the pain meds DO stop working AS well after a certain time, but the trick is to resist the temptation to take an "extra" pill in order to relieve the pain. Once you start doing will find yourself in ho****er surely. I used to do my best to only take it when really needed....or even cutting back a little if you find it not working. This always kept me on track and pain free with no "problems". Now though, everything is different. Rewired plumbing has changed everything =/  Thanks for your reply =)

Opti October 1. PATTS October 8th and RNY Surgery October 22, 2013

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wesley T.
on 7/5/14 6:20 am - Canada

I am not taking pain meds. I am on 3 advils liquid strengths daily for migraines. If I were you I would bypass both the doctor and GP and ask to see a Pain Specialist. Maybe they can offer more insight? I would not worry about hurting someone elses feelings or egos. You have the right t advocate fr your health. See a pain specialist. One Doctor I printed a journal from med sources and he sluffed it off my question saying "maybe you can email them and ask." Without answering my health question. I hope your pain gets better. 

on 7/5/14 7:28 am

I'm not on any pain mess but have been going through the Rolodex of meds for my elderly mother who has very bad sciatica  and diabetic neuropathy.  You can prescription strength crime based pain medication.  Not all Dr are familiar with it and it is made up only at "compounding" pharmacies.   I know they do them with NSAIDs, also tramadol, ketoprofen, amytriptiline, flurbuprofen etc.  Maybe transdermal medication would stay in your system longer.  I agree with the recommendation to see a pain specialist or talk to your Dr about compounding cremes for pain. You can find the more frequently prescribed compounds by researching online.  This was an option recommended by our pharmacist and it proved very helpful for us.

on 7/5/14 10:55 am - London, Canada
RNY on 06/25/12

I'm so sorry to hear about your ongoing pain. I haven't taken Percocet myself post-op, but I will say in general just about any medication I take nowadays does seem to have a more limited lifespan. Even cold medication doesn't seem to keep symptoms at bay like it used to.

Have you spoken to your pharmacist about this? They may be able to offer some information you could take to your doctor.

Not to pry, but are there any alternative therapies that might help with your ongoing pain? Anything you might have tried pre-op that didn't work, that may be worth trying to post-op?

Congrats on your loss as well!


Keeping off 133 lbs since 2012!

Referral to Bariatric Registry: May 2011   /   Surgery (HRRH): June 25, 2012         

on 7/5/14 11:25 am - Canada
RNY on 10/22/13

Yes, I have tried everything except spinal surgery, which I have been told has a low success rate. RNY surgery was an alternative that was hopefully going to make it better.....but no one mentioned anything about medications not absorbing AFTER surgery. Only that we cant take Nsaids. Even in all of my pre-op research I never came across this information until I specifically sought it out. If I DID....I am 90% sure I wouldn't have had the surgery because I certainly wouldn't have taken away the ONE solution I had for a maybe this will help solution, lol

Opti October 1. PATTS October 8th and RNY Surgery October 22, 2013

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

on 7/5/14 12:49 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

My niece hurt her back at work. They have been unable to diagnosis what causes the pain. She has been on many pain medications which did not seem to work. She had RNY to lose weight to see if it would help but it did not. Eventually she got a referral to the pain clinic at TWH. They adjusted her meds until they found what would work. I understand she is in a lot less pain now. I do not know where you live but I would suggest a referral to a good pain clinic to find a solution.





on 7/5/14 6:30 pm

Have you been to see an Osteopath? If not I would go as soon as you can. Although I have never had the need I have two different friends who both suffered chronic pain (not weight related, in fact both fit) and they said it was the Osteopath who finally got them well (not through meds).

I hadn't even heard of an Osteopath until about 6-7 months ago. If you try this route I would love to hear back. 

Good luck.

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