It's becoming more and more real, getting nervous

Lisa H.
on 7/4/14 8:06 am - London, Ontario, Canada

Okay, so I had my first scheduled appointment with the nutritionist on June 16th, at which time i was told I needed to have a gastroscopy and that they were booking probably mid-July.  I phoned my family doctor to see when I could get in there since the surgery will take place in Hamilton.  Needless to say, my family doctor was going to be longer so I opted to have it done @ St. Joes.  I went back upstairs and managed to get one for 3 days later   Fast forward to today, had another appointment with nutritionist and the social worker (was dreading this one for some reason).  But I was in my appointment for MAX 25 mins and she gave me clearance.  The best part of it was that my appointment for the internist was most from Oct until July 24th.  They said they will have more info on date.  But this means they are fast tracking which has me a bit scared and nervous with how fast things are moving.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited to have this done because it's going to open to many more doors for me and make me feel healthier.  Guess I just needing some positive vibes.

On a side note, for those that have had it done in Hamilton, is there any reasonable places for spouses to stay around the hosptial that you know of?  Trying to get ideas so when we have to come down, my husband wants to stay down there while I'm in for those few days after.  Any help would be appreciated.

Orientation Hamilton: October 6, 2013 ECG: March 4, 2014 Blood work: March 29  Ultrasound: April 4  Nutritionist: June 16 & July 4th  Social Worker: July 4  Internist: July 24  Surgeon: Aug 13

Karen M.
on 7/4/14 9:17 am - Mississauga, Canada

It's real, it's coming, get ready! One of the best things you're doing is posting here for support - I honestly don't know how I would have managed without this forum and the wonderful people here.

Hang in there, take a breath, and be happy when it happens.





Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/4/14 9:38 am - Canada

Hi Lisa

 My surgery and Bariatric prcedures were  all done at St Joes hospital in Hamilton; and I live here also so first of all Yeah and way to go :) When you find out which surgeon you have please le me know I am aware of them all ( 3 of them) but have my favorite of course heheh.

Where abouts are you coming from? Will depend on if there s  tight budet or  modest budet for lodgeing as there are 2 places down town Hamilton, both very nice but different prices .Also the sooner you or your husband can book the rooms the better to make sure you get a room.

I hd my surery a week ago. But we do not drive , all bus roues are fntastic and a cb will be about $10- $15 from each location.


Karen M.
on 7/4/14 9:41 am - Mississauga, Canada

Dear Kathy,

Just so you know, and please know it doesn't bother me at all, but the person you're posting to might not get the post you write to them - you have to hit "reply" on their post, not the latest post in the thread.


Karen XO



Ontario Recipes Forum -

Lisa H.
on 7/4/14 12:11 pm - London, Ontario, Canada

Hi Kathy, I'm super excited about the process and LOVE LOVE LOVE how friendly and supportive the staff has been so far.  I should hopefully find out who the surgeon is once I meet with the internist?  I will definately let you know

We are coming from London, I know it's only an hour drive but hubby wants to stay overnights so he'll be close.  What can I say (he really likes me)  The social worker I spoke with today said to book the hotel (gave me a list but have to call around to find out what their compassion rates are since they list she has is from 2011).  Then we were instructed to call the mark preece house a few days before to find out if there might be any rooms.

Congrats!!!!  I hope you have a speedy recovery time.  Any tips for this girl for when you have to stay in for those 2 days?

Orientation Hamilton: October 6, 2013 ECG: March 4, 2014 Blood work: March 29  Ultrasound: April 4  Nutritionist: June 16 & July 4th  Social Worker: July 4  Internist: July 24  Surgeon: Aug 13

on 7/4/14 10:14 am - Canada

Oooops booboo Thanks for the heads up Karen wink wink silly grin

Karen M.
on 7/4/14 10:16 am - Mississauga, Canada

Just want you to get the best possible experience on the board. ;)



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/4/14 1:40 pm - Canada

My partner slept in a chair or in my bed while I was in the hospital, I'm afraid of hospitals and would have found it hard to be alone.  When I was discharged we both checked back into the hotel room .

 Respectfully Jane
on 7/5/14 1:21 am - Canada

Well there re 2 kinda unusal suggesions haah. When you and your hudband are n the waiting room afer signing in you or he will recieve a paper with your tracking code on it. Hhahah have the assistant on the first desk as you come n the door instruct your husband how to read he informaion and where etc. Its unique idea and kinda puzzlin and frustratin and all also due to your husband bein anxious for you.

Secondly When you go into the prep area  you will be given  a bag to put your clothes and any meds you have to bring with you and your clothes and a pair of thin jammies, socks, shoes etc. Your husband will be able to come into the room afer your IV is hooked up we found out to late it is better for your husband to keep your clothing bag with him and then bring it up to your room when you are taken up LOL my bag g ot lost for a day and my walker LOL and the recover floor nurses didnt have time to find everything Oh yeah he nurse n the Preop are will ask you nd or your husband to sign for your bag just to confirm they do not have it but he does

You will be receiving alot of the info at your Preop meeting so dont worry if there is so much to remember yet.


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