
on 7/3/14 12:23 pm - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

You are so rude!

on 7/3/14 11:37 am - Canada

I have read your posts from before and I have read this one and the responses up until you have written this one. I am sorry but no one has been mean to you here. No one is giving you ****  5 times in 13 weeks is a lot of phone calling.  You are not trusting the system. When they say that they will call they will. Calling once fine but 5 times is way to many times. You asked if you should call and you were told not to but you went a head and called. You have set the warning bells off that you could have issues and now they need to make sure. This operation can kill you and they need to make sure your mind is in the right frame. Follow the rules and it will happen but because you are upset don't take it out on the people who have written and tried to help you. No one has been mean or feel super smug.

on 7/3/14 11:58 am

I disagree but respect your opinion. 

(deactivated member)
on 7/3/14 9:48 am, edited 7/3/14 9:48 am

Zizzler, you have been a strong supporter of most who have posted on here and I strongly believe you deserve the same respect back that you have given everyone else. I do believe you have been mistreated, and you should do what you feel is best. Try to keep positive, I know its hard, and keep smiling. Dont let the negative responses get to you HUGE HUGS to you 

on 7/3/14 10:22 am

Thank you, appreciate the kind words.  I thought this was a support group but most people wh replied seem to think I deserve to be treated this way or something. It's ok, now I know who to ignore and who is a real friend. Thanks for the hugs!

on 7/3/14 10:15 am - Scarborough, Canada

In my opinion, if you want to post, you must be open to all opinions, not just the ones that support yours.  Sometimes tough messages are heard to receive, but it was clear that no one meant harm in their advice and in fact gave thoughtful answers.  I too have frustrations in this process but this journey will be ever so meaningful when you can look back on all obstacles you overcame.  Good luck to you.

on 7/3/14 12:04 pm

I am open to the opinions of others but some of the comments given crossed the line in to ridiculous.  I call a few times and it shows I will destroy my pouch?  It just does not make sense. 

on 7/3/14 10:52 am
A psychologist appointment does not mean you are "crazy". My process was delayed 3 months while I waited for my appointment because Guelph wanted to make sure past occurrences were under control. Did I want to go? Hell no, but I went and sucked it up and eventually had my surgery. If they say you have to go, you go.
on 7/3/14 12:10 pm

I have no problem seeing a psychologist, that is not what bothers me. What bothers me is that they are saying I need to see her because I do not trust their scheduling procedure. Clearly their procedure is broken but rather than admitting that they will waste my time with additional testing when I have already completed everything.  In my opinion it is just a way to justify further delays.

on 7/3/14 10:54 am
RNY on 03/20/14

I too found Ottawa difficult to deal with. I did all my pre-op stuff in Kingston and then off to meet the surgeon in Ottawa. The information Kingston gave at the time was in no way in line with the reality to come. I too made a few phone calls and luckily I got a man who became frustrated with my questions and put me right through to the NP, who in looking at my file said "oh, you should have a had a date by now", the very next day I was called with my date in March (end of March, had been waiting since the beginning of Dec/13). I also had thought of calling Patient advocacy. We should have an expectation of having real time information regarding the length of time it takes to get your surgery date. Frankly, I truly believe that many of these "tests" are a stalling mechanism to slow down the process for some of us. I don't believe for one minute you are 'crazy", you are advocating for your own health care...big difference. I do agree that at this point the best thing you can do is go to the Psych appointment, show them you are ready to get moving with this process. There seems to be a real problem in terms of organization/coordination of the surgeries in Ottawa and also they are not forthcoming with any kind of information. Good luck to you and please in box me if you would like to chat. Take care...Lisa

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