
on 7/3/14 5:37 am, edited 7/3/14 11:46 pm


Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

(deactivated member)
on 7/3/14 5:55 am - Toronto, Canada

Hi Zizzler,


I know you don't know me at all, but I have been following your journey on the boards. I understand your complete frustration here, I would be as well...BUT don't let them break you. If I were you, I would be as calm as possible and just follow their last recommendation here. You are SOOO Close, just do as they say, and get it over with. Deep breaths, sometimes you just have to keep quiet, even if you know they are so wrong, and focus on the end goal. It will all work out for you!

on 7/3/14 6:50 am

Thank you, it is really hard right now, I appreciate it.

on 7/3/14 6:10 am

Don't take this as being meanspiririted because that is not my intention, but I doubt I'm the only one who saw this coming from a mile away.  Everything I've been taught at the Ottawa clinic is that their ideal candidate for WLS is 1) willing and able to follow the rules, and 2) able to follow the rules even when life throws them curve balls.  With this surgery it is critical that you follow the instructions to a T, no matter what happens.  I suspect in their minds they have concerns about impulse control - I'm definitely not a psychologist so take it for what it's worth.  Despite being told by the surgeon there would be a 3-4 month wait for a date, you still kept calling them.  Despite Lana's voice mail which suggests a 3-5 month wait, you still kept calling.  When they told you not to call, you called.  When most people on this Board told you not to call, you still called.  When they clearly advise in the materials to stay on you medication UNTIL you get a surgery date and direction you went off your medication to try and get an earlier date....


If you really want this surgery, I strongly suggest following their directions.  They want a psych evaluation, do it, be calm, reassure them you can and will follow directions and be patient.  They hold the key, and ******g them off or crying about it isn't going to help.  The ONLY thing that will help is proving to them that you are strong and stable enough to deal with all the rules that come with this surgery.  For example, rushing through the stages from liquids to solids too soon CAN KILL YOU or result in the need for additional surgeries.  I'm sure it's not a risk they are willing to take.

on 7/3/14 7:01 am
RNY on 05/16/12

I have also been following your posts and want to agree with the above post.

If you can't handle having to wait months for surgery you are going to have a difficult time dealing with regain, plateaus, and all the other bad things that happen after surgery.

I will repeat what I have said a few times when people complain about the wait times. etc. This is elective surgery. It is going to take a while to get through the system. You can always self pay in Mexico :)

HW 282 OW 273 SW 247 CW 232

on 7/3/14 11:45 am

Totally disagree, asking politely for information a reasonable number of times does not in any way mean that I am going to rush through the stages after surgery, possibly causing my own death.  You know nothing about me but are so judgemental.  The medication I went off of is birth control and the surgeon told me I could go off it any time because it is known to cause blood clots and doctors do not prescribe it anymore.  Not that that is any of your business anyways.  Just saying "no offence intended" does not give you the right to say anything you want you know. Show some compassion if you want some in return.

on 7/3/14 6:12 am
RNY on 02/04/15

Hi Zizzler I have to agree 100% with what Jennifer said ^^

Although I feel you have been wronged, I think you should just do what they say and try and be as agreeable as possible with them - your day will come... you are so close.

on 7/3/14 11:50 am

I have done everything they say and more but for some reason they focus on the 5 calls in 13 weeks.  I have a right to information about my health and they will not provide it.

on 7/3/14 12:50 pm - Ottawa, Canada

I will guarantee there is so much more to the story on both sides than we know.

What information are they not providing regarding an elective surgery?

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I called twice during 14 months.  I might be wrong but you called  5 times in 13 weeks, if you took a step back to re-evaluate, could you in fact be over reacting?

Many people have to have a psych eval. It is not a huge hurdle. Just go in and prove them wrong.  I wish you the very best, but please remember you are not owed anything.

on 7/3/14 9:29 pm - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 05/22/14

I think the issue is that Zizzler was told "in two weeks......we'll call you" and they didn't. Regardless of when the surgery time was, they said they'd call and they didn't. So I don't blame you for calling. That being said, sometimes you have to trust the process. I previously worked in healthcare and have seen SO many situations, both where someone seems unstable for surgery (as mentioned before....because of constant "hurry it up here" type of thing), and i've also seen referrals go MIA. As of now, do what they say, go for the appointment and just explain that you called because you were specifically told that you would receive a call back in a certain amount of time, didn't get you followed up. And i'm sure you're only doing that because you're anxious, excited to get this new life started. But they may see it as being "doesn't follow direction well" and may question why you're in such a rush and don't trust what they say.


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