Totally Confused
So I've been home for a few days and struggling with setting up my routines... I need some help, advice, tricks, tips anything - im increasingly becoming nervous that I'm not doing this right... I'm 6 days out...
Sample Menu -
Wake Up Pepcid and Heprin Shot
B - 2 oz of Oatmeal - 2 oz of protein shake ( premier + protein powder mixed in) and if I can 1 oz of yogurt with protein mixed in.... 15 minutes between ounces...takes an hour to hour and a half to eat my meals as suggested (multi vitamin and B12)
S - this i**** and miss - but usually protein drink ( with the Extra Whey Protein mixed in (cal cium + D)
L - 2 oz of cream soup - 2 oz of protein drink..sometimes 1 oz of cottage cheese mixed into the soup
S - ugggggg by the time i finish my lunch it feels like it's snack time already ( feels like I need to wake up at 5 to start this routine off!!) (calcium and D)
D - more soup and cottage cheese - protein drink ( gettin tired of this already) (Multi V itamin)
S - yogurt with protein added - or frozen crystal light pop with protein mixed - or pudding with protein added....(sigh) ( another Calcium and D)
Fluids.... This is my concern - they say 64oz - THATS A FRIGGIN LOT! :( that's like 5 cans worth or 8 How do you all do it?? or am I supposed to be able too? Im only getting like 3..and im sippin sippin sippin ...
Just need some sort of reassurance or constructive advice.... I don't want to muck this up after coming so far :(
Overall I feel ok - unless I get off schedule and miss my feeding longer than usual than I tired out till I nourish again...
Thanks Guys REALLY appreciate the thoughts,
Referral Aug27 013 Confirmed Oct 12 2013 Orientation Jan6 2014 (HRRH) 1st Surgeon Appt Jan18 2014 + BloodWork SW/RN/RD Feb14 2013 Dr Glazier Mar6 2014 Surgery June 27 2014
I haven' had the surgery yet - two weeks left to wait-so I don't have any tips but wanted to let you know I feel your pain. Just reading your schedule let me exhausted. I understand it is supposed to get better once you can tolerate more foods. Keep plugging along and keep your eye on the prize. Maybe looking at your before pictures may motivate you that it's all worth it.
The first few weeks after my surgery I felt exactly like you it's daunting all of the items you have to consume. Don't worry that you're doing things wrong as the majority of people can't take in all of what we're supposed to at this stage - remember your body just underwent major surgery. I struggled with my fluids for the longest time but you will eventually get to that goal of 8 cups.
The biggest thing that helped me was to write out my plan for the day and attach times to them. I literally did feel like I was eating all the time but that's only because it took so long to eat anything! You won't feel hunger at this point, so it's important to keep on schedule. Try not to feel rushed, take your time and listen to your body. Follow the plan as best you can and it will get easier day by day - I promise!
I'm not sure about adding extra protein to your protein drink, but I didn't hit my daily protein goal until a least a month post-op. Keep your daily nutritional goals in mind, always strive for it but don't force your body to eat that much if it can't at this point.
To be honest it felt like a chore every morning! But seeing where I am now it was totally worth the frustration. It's important as well that when you eat you are able to have the meal uninterrupted or in a quiet spot so you can concentrate on what you're doing - at least that helped me in the beginning.
I hope that helps - Good Luck!

Highest Weight Pre-Op: 346lbs;. Surgery Weight: 330lbs; Current Weight: 204lbs
Surgery: Aug 2, 2013
Writing out the plan and attaching times - that is EXACTLY what I did too, forgot all about that. It was a huge help.
Ontario Recipes Forum -
You're tummy's still healing, so you won't get everything in yet, it's something you work towards. As your tummy heals, you'll be able to drink and eat more. For right now, it does seem like you are constantly eating or drinking, which is normal. Just keep the water with you and you'll find you sip a little more. Watch out right now with the heat, that you really try to ge****er in. You don't want to dehydrate.
Thank you Thank you Thank you for the encouragement and reassurance!!
I feel so much better just knowing how I'm feeling is normal ( whatever that is ha)
I'm exhaused reading it let alone trying to eat it all :)~
I'll just keep plugging along and using all of your advice and suggestions!
Thank you again for making my day!
Referral Aug27 013 Confirmed Oct 12 2013 Orientation Jan6 2014 (HRRH) 1st Surgeon Appt Jan18 2014 + BloodWork SW/RN/RD Feb14 2013 Dr Glazier Mar6 2014 Surgery June 27 2014
ooOOOOOOo I didn't realize AT ALL that the fluids from soup, protein drinks etc all count too...phewfff little easier than...still tough but don't feel like I am totally slacking than!!
CANT wait to get pass this next week lol Full Fluids is tougher than the Opti was on me ..except I dont want to eat now....its so don't even think about it! - so count stalking the clock a new hobby too! :)~
Referral Aug27 013 Confirmed Oct 12 2013 Orientation Jan6 2014 (HRRH) 1st Surgeon Appt Jan18 2014 + BloodWork SW/RN/RD Feb14 2013 Dr Glazier Mar6 2014 Surgery June 27 2014