One week after surgery appointment

on 7/2/14 10:00 am - Canada

Hello  (Waving from the bench)

Hope you are all well and doing good.

Ok today was my 1 week after surgery appointment and all thins are looking fantastic

Now my weiht is kinda strange but great under the cir****tances I gained back almost all the weight I had lostduring and jus afer surgery due to wron medications and wrong IV drip for way to long. Anyways I was 319 the day before surgery and am now ( drum roll please) 306.4 pounds :)

As of This past Sunday I began useing Fitnesspal and it is a fantastic program. My only concern is that as liquids increase and amounts increase my Protein levels are being met and Calories are almost perfect same as Carbos but here is one section that kinda scares me, the Sodium section which seems to be always very high. Is this a good thing? Is this a bad thing? Should I be concerned?

Thanks all and enjoy the heat hopefully around water.

Any advice is welcome


on 7/2/14 1:12 pm - Stoney Creek , Canada

Glad your all sorted and things are looking good :) Soooo  Can I ask a personal question??? me being a newbie and all I was wondering something???? You don't have to answer if you don't want to as it is rather personal!!! But it would be most exciting if you would answer this for me and all the other pre ops out there!  Here goes I am asking what we all want to know!!!! How does that bench feel now that u finally get to sit on it? is it comfy????

on 7/2/14 1:23 pm - Canada

Well I think it is comfy but really strange. I mean knowing what your goals are and aiming for it is great but actually see it happen WOWWWWWWWWW mind blowing actually beginning to regain some confidence and just feeling on top of the world. Yes there is some physical discomfort and alot of work to do and a long ways to go yet but the adventure has begun. Your adventure will begin to and all others thinking of doing the sleeve  go for it and aim for the stars cause they are in your reach.

Thats my opinion though and I am not saying there are no bumps in the road but for now I am enjoying the feeling of flying in natures clouds :)


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