awful news...
I had no idea there was a 2 year waiting period between the programs...since I just finished the non-surgical program this past June, I now have to wait 2 years before I can get referred for the surgical program, regardless if my health deteriates (SP?)....oh I won't be posted any updates as yet...I'll still check in every once in a while but surgery again for me at least for 2 years (probably more with the waiting times, right?)
Good luck to all of those in the process, good luck to those just having had surgery, and all the best to everyone who continues on in their WLS journey!!

Moving on doesn't mean you forget about things. It just means you have to accept what happened and continue LIVING
What hospital are you going too? I am through TWH and from the date my referral was sent (Oct 2012) and my surgery date (Sept 2013) was 11 months.
2 years sound out of the normal for most people on here.
Dale-Referral: October/12 ~ Orientation: January 2/13 ~ Nurse Practitioner: May 7/13 ~ Social Worker: May 7/13 ~ Sleep Test: May 23/13 ~ Nutrition Class: May 28/13 ~ Nutrition Assess: May 31/13~ Psychologist: June 24/13 ~ Surgeon: August 9/13 ~ Pre-OP: August 28,2013 ~ Surgery Date: September 12/13
I am through Guelph, I did the non-surgical program last year and the provincial legislation/OHIP won't cover two programs back to back, the waiting period is 2 years before I would be approved to have the funding. It's funny though since the waiting time from referral to surgery is about a year, why couldn't I put in a referral now? I won't be getting the surgery for at least a year...I don't understand it but that's the "Rules" BLAH!

Moving on doesn't mean you forget about things. It just means you have to accept what happened and continue LIVING
It was Audrey, the nurse herself that I spoke with...maybe when I go in to see the Doctor and Nurse to finish up with the non-surgical program, I can chat with them about it and see what if anything can be done?

Moving on doesn't mean you forget about things. It just means you have to accept what happened and continue LIVING
YES do that. You have already tried the Optifast route and complied with their expectations. It makes no sense to me that you would have to wait another 2 years to even make a referral, let alone just continue with the process. Find out!
Ontario Recipes Forum -
I'm defintely not an expect on OHIP but I'd be inclind to ask a few other people and get something in wirting explain why your are not eligible. In Ottawa they stressed at the orientation the ability to move between the surgical and non-surgical routes. In fact, they really like it when someone wants to try the non-surgical for a stint (say 6 months) before committing to surgery. If Ottawa permits this, it seems unlikely to be a OHIP issue but maybe a policy at your local center. In which case you could always contact the provincial ombudsman. It also seems unfair if this wasn't explained to you fully upfront.
Did they tell you that at Guelph before you signed up for the non-surgical program? I would be extremely angry with them if they didn't and it were me. I'm annoyed with them anyhow just hearing about this. They know damn well that dieting doesn't work (or if they don't, they should), and yet they sign people up for a crash diet program that will probably fail (Opti for however long), and then they don't let them have surgery (the treatment that actually works) for two years afterwards.
That along with other ridiculous stuff I've heard out of Guelph (denying people surgery if they gain any weight during the referral process, etc.) makes me think that Guelph really needs to smarten up.
Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011 Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012 Surgery: Nov 7, 2012
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I was not told this at all. In fact, the social worker for the non-surgical program thought it would be an option for me as I couldn't make the non-surgical work for me. It almost makes me think that they think I sabotaged myself in order to get the surgery?? REALLY?? no, it was my body going from a high calorie diet to a 900 cal/day diet for almost 12 weeks, to going to around 1200 calories and still not feeling full...I was constantly hungry, I also have a lot of stress that hasn't diminished! so, the fault is mine as to my choices I ended up making but I know that having a smaller stomach will help with the hunger pains. She mentioned that the non-surgical program people would help me in getting things back on happens, I am a single mom to three kids, my life is way too busy for some of the strategies they've recommended, I can't sit and plan my week out that easily, I can't prep food in one day for a whole week, I don't have the luxury of that time as I'm running around cleaning, feeding, clothing, keeping my kids busy and healthy, and by the time I do have "me" time, it's usually to go to sleep from being so tired all the time...sorry, rant over...

Moving on doesn't mean you forget about things. It just means you have to accept what happened and continue LIVING
Would a call to OHIP be the easiest thing to do? This doesn't seem fair. Or call another center in a different city and see what they say. I really hope you find some answers. Good luck! Also, you could call the Ombudsman's Office in Ontario to get some answer. This can also be seen as a Customer Service Issue because you are getting different answers from different people.