Its finally here!!

on 7/1/14 1:36 pm

Tomorrow's the big day! Its finally my turn to have surgery! After months of waiting and anticipating i cant believe the day is here!

Am i nervous? You bet cha! But i am also incredibly excited to start this new journey in life! My three weeks on Opti fleww by and i am proud to say that i am down 19 pounds :) Here's hoping my recovery goes just as well! 

I want to thank all of you for your support during my pre-op phase! you have no idea how much you all have helped me along this journey!

See you all on the other side!



"The First step towards getting somewhere is to decide that your not going to stay where you are" - John pierpoint morgan

Referral- April 27,2013   Orientation class- may 29, 2013   Meet the surgeon,SW,dietitian - July 20, 2013  Dr Glazier- October 4,2013  Sleep study- October 10,2013   Dr Glazier again- October 16,2013   SW,dietitian again- February 2,2014    DR Sohi- march 4,2014   Start Opti- June 11,2014  SURGERY- July 2,2014

on 7/1/14 4:04 pm


Wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery.




on 7/1/14 5:24 pm - Stoney Creek , Canada

so excited for you! wishing u all the best and a speedy recovery! and way to go on the 19 lbs :)

Karen M.
on 7/1/14 9:07 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Very best wishes today, Brittany!



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/1/14 9:43 pm

Have a great surgery today!  All the best.



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