Should I call? Ahhh!
Someone else who saw the surgeon the same day as me was offered a date in July yesterday. I have still not received a date and feel confused about what I should do. The thing is, if I do not get a date within the next few days I will be bumped to August as they are closing surgery for the last week of July and the first week of August. As I mentioned in previous posts there have been issues with the surgery scheduler's behaviour toward me. She was unprofessional on the phone with me and then arranged to have me come in to see the nurse practitioner. She told them she thought I might have a neurological problem or be on drugs or alcohol because I called every 2 weeks for an update. So I came in to see the nurse practitioner only to be scolded for calling every 2 weeks and be told the scheduler thinks I have a neurological problem or am on drugs or alcohol. The nurse told me that the incident would not effect my surgery date but now I hear people are being offered dates who saw the surgeon the same day as me. Anyhow, I am completely confused as to what to do. I am scared to call anyone at this point. I have the scheduler's manager's number so I could call her. Or I could call patient advocacy. Or I could call the scheduler directly. Or I could not call at all, but it is just killing me knowing people are being scheduled and I am not. I am so emotional. What would you do?

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard
When you went to the NP, did they indicate when you might expect to receive a date or when might be reasonable to call to follow up?
Don't worry so much about other people's journeys. Some people zip through, some people seem to take a bit longer with scheduling. You can't control it.
I would not call until at least middle of next week. I seem to recall a few other people on the Board with the same " met the surgeon date" but whose calls with surgery dates were a few days. The surgeons meet with prospective surgery candidates on " clinic" days and see multiple patients on the same day. The scheduler is also Scheduling PATTS dates etc. Why does it matter if your surgery is the third week of July versus the second week of August? If you have personal reasons for needing the surgery in July you can explain this when they call with your appointment and ask about cancellations. Two weeks may seem like a long time but it is only a drop in the bucket on a journey that will require a lifetime of change.
Try to relax and keep positive, your turn will come.
I hear what you are saying and it makes sense. Any wait at this point is very painful and 2 weeks seems like forever. I find I am not thinking as logically as I would like the last few weeks, that is why I am asking for opinions. You know how sometimes you are too involved in something to be objective? That is how I feel and I really do not like feeling this way.
Hi Zizzler!
If this comes across as mean, I do apologize. What I have to say is meant to be helpful, while also realistic ;)
DO NOT CALL!! If 2 staff members have already addressed your impatience, calling again will only justify their concerns. You may end up being put off indefinitely until the social worker deems you fit.
I just had a look at your timeline and I do believe that it has set up to think this is a quick process and that somehow you are falling through the crack.
I personally waited a year from my referral to my orientation. You waited a month. I waited 6 months from orientation til my initial appointment. You waited 3 months.
From my perspective, you have been incredibly fortunate, but now its your turn to wait. Simple as that :)
According to their own procedure surgery dates are to be given out in order of when you signed your consent form, not when you were referred, but maybe that is what they are doing. Some people have had surgery at 8 months in Ottawa so I don't see why they would make me wait on purpose. I really do not want to call after what they have put me through but want to make sure they know I am ready to go any time. For example, I have already stopped a medication they needed me to stop 1 months before surgery, so I could take a spot right away if they have one. They would not know this if I do not tell them and might think I need 1 month notice.
I just want to comment on the medication will more than likely have at least 4 weeks notice before surgery, so I would think you could wait to stop medication until you get the call. Just putting that out there.
It is usually 3 weeks of Opti and you are usually given a few days notice before you need to start the Opti. I know sometimes there are fast starts with shorter than 3 weeks of Opti, but that isn't the normal process.
Referral to Ottawa: Jan/11 Info Session: May/11 Nurse: Feb/12 Dietician/Behavourist/Abdominal Scan: Apr/12 Pre-op Education Class: Feb. 6/13 Meet Surgeon Feb.15/13 Surgery with Dr. Raiche March 12/13!!
The race isn't given to the swift nor the strong, but it's given to the ones who endure it to the end...