What are you eating/doing today (Thursday)

on 6/26/14 12:18 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Congratulations on the change. Hope it works well for you





Onward and

on 6/25/14 10:20 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Morning everyone! Yes, Barb, temptation is a very bad thing. :) But enjoy your party this weekend - that's always so fun! I love having parties, even if I do become hostzilla the day before (my poor husband).

Today: Work in the morning, where I have a meeting to attend and scrambling to get a project done, then a dentist appointment in the late afternoon, then a party tonight (not at my place, thank goodness, because my place is a disaster zone right now - no time to clean it since we got back from vacation and everything is everywhere).  I know what I'm eating during the day, but no idea what's happening tonight. Maybe I should eat something BEFORE the party. But I might stay downtown after the dentist appointment so I don't have to come back, so maybe I'll grab something to eat downtown. Anyhow, nothing listed for supper as a result since I have no idea what I'm doing.


B - 1 egg fried in 1 tsp olive oil, on 1 slice of P28 bread (thanks for that loaf, Pat - sorry you didn't like it!)

S - 1/2 cup ricotta/vanilla/splenda mix with 1/2 cup strawberries

L - 1 serving of leftover homemade Thai basil shrimp with veggies on 1/2 cup homemade Jamaican rice and peas (talk about fusion, but it works!)

S - Exactly the same ricotta/strawberry snack - the ricotta is getting close to the best before date and I went a little overboard on buying strawberries on the weekend so I need to get through them before they go bad!

D - Your guess is as good as mine. 

S - There will probably be nibblies and I'm sure I'll be having a glass or two of wine. Will track afterwards and try to stick with protein-y stuff.

TOTALS WITHOUT DINNER OR EVENING SNACK: 63g protein, 41g fat, 65 carbs, 10g fiber, 851 calories

Have a great day, everyone!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 6/26/14 12:12 am, edited 6/26/14 12:21 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

My husband bought ice cream last Sunday. It is a kind that I can not eat bit I still crave it like crazy. Having great sweets around would not be good for me at all. Had fun last night at coffee. But just as I got home the tree beside my house fell over. It is not an old tree. So last Thursday the city took the one off my front lawn because it had bore ash disease. Today they cam back and took the other tree. I still have one in the back yard. Eventually the city will put a new one on my lawn. Not sure what we will get. I laugh because they say they do not want people planting Norway Maples. That is what is predominant in our neighbourhood because the city planted them years ago.

Back rideing my bike today. Really need the exercise

b 2 eggs 1 bacon, 1 slice ww bread

s baby bel

l chili, yogurt

s protein bar

d left over Thai food, salad

s ?

So far cal 860 carb 72.1, proit 73.7






on 6/26/14 12:59 am

those Norway Maples are a real pain in the arse.......I will spend the next 2 months picking out tiny maple trees from everywhere.......

We planted a sugar maple in our back yard last year......so far so good......






on 6/26/14 1:16 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I agree about the Norway maples. If you miss one little tree next thing you know you have a two foot tree with deep roots. The large Maples in our area are slowly dying and being replace but I still have one across the street from our back yard and one in my backyard





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