Last 2 days ?

on 6/24/14 1:49 pm - Canada

I am a little concerned I am over doing my fluid intake the last 2 days before surgery. Is this normal? Should I cut back a bit? am I just rushing my drinking?

Tomorrow is the last day for the liquids but have been very uncomfortable alot of today and extremely bloated. Any advise please. In take is 6 cups of chicken broth per day and 1 liter of water and then a must is a small 4 oz glass of apple juice 4 times aday. and 1 pop0sicle and half a cup of suar free jello. It all tasted good and felt ok in the beginning then  a couple hours later it was like i was o much.



on 6/24/14 10:21 pm

The centre where I went through advised that we were only to have 1-2 c of broth, water , and up to 2 c of salad greens with vinegar, and one S/F jello.  AND of course the optifast. No juice or popcicles. Each centre is different though. Personally , I would stop the juice and popcicles, drop the broth intake down to 1-2 cup. However I think you  would benefit from calling them as , as I have said each centre is different. Ive heard that some put their patients on clear fluids after the optifast, this sounds like your centre.


on 6/25/14 1:24 am - Canada

Thanks reenie

 I have spoken to my center this morning and due to my diabetes I am to continue the apple juice and if necessary 1/2 cup of regular jello or a flat cup of regular gingerale. Then drink water until satisfied but not overly bloated.

I realize many clinics are different and all people are different but never know my situation may occur for someone else and they can learn through me.

Take care and Have fun looking forward to seeing the bench tomorrow


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