Help please !!! Need revision

Anne G.
on 6/19/14 3:35 pm - Hawkesbury, Canada

Please help me, need some information...   I was sleeved on Oct. 13, 2011 and lost 110 lbs in a year...  I've since begun taking anti-depression pills and I am also been vomitting daily for about 2 yrs.  Long story short, I've gained about 40 lbs back.  I had my surgery in Montréal, Qc and now live in Ontario.  Surgery was done by the wonderful dr. Atlas at Sacre Cœur and he thinks I should have a revision to RNY but he can't do it because Ontario gouvernment won't pay for it.  Now, I have to go to Ontario dr's and start the process all over again.....   I need a referal letter from my family dr. and my family dr. thinks it's too complicated to fill the form online so he doesn't want to do it....  Now, what should I do????   I need the referal from him in order to start the whole process and I don't want to vomit everything I eat anymore...   My weight loss center is in Ottawa.  Should I just switch doctor or go to a clinic for my referal?  I learned that the whole process until surgery would be about a year, but I can't wait that long....  Too much vomitting for me.... and someone mentionned to me that so much vomiting could lead to eosophagus cancer !!!  I'm so confused and so scared I don't know what to do anymore... please help me if you can....




Karen M.
on 6/19/14 5:28 pm - Mississauga, Canada

If it were me in this situation I would contact the weight loss centre in Ottawa to request an appointment to discuss your (very serious) issue and have your Dr. in Quebec write a letter to them explaining what had been done in 2011 and the problems you are presenting with now.

You received some good advice when you asked for assistance back in April:

Wait a year or get it done now



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 6/19/14 8:07 pm - Canada
VSG on 02/12/13

You can also print off the form and have the doctor complete and send it to them that is what mine did.

Referral- March 2012, Letter April 19, Orientation TWH- June 6, NP - July 3, Sleep Apena test July 16, Internist and SW  - July 17, Nutritional class - July 23, Dietician appt. July 30th, Psych-Social appt - Aug 20th. Follow up with doctor sleep apena Aug. 28th  Surgeons appt. - Dec. 14th Dr. Jackson. Surgery date - Feb 12 2013 - VSG   

Anne G.
on 6/19/14 10:04 pm - Hawkesbury, Canada

Thanks to both of you for replying.  I will try calling the clinic in Ottawa and get an appointment.  If it doesn't work, I will try the second option.  Thank you so much




(deactivated member)
on 6/20/14 12:12 am

Im sorry this has happened to you... have they said why you are vomiting every day...have they looked into why...also why are you gaining weight if you vomit every time you eat.. I believe you should looking into the whys... also what makes them think an RNY would help if you cant keep anything down. Have they done tests ect to see why.. I wouldnt be jumping into another weight loss surgery if you are not sure why you are having such bad complications now.The whole process could take a year if not longer, you would unfortunately have to wait your turn, as there are so many ahead of you. Can your doctor not look into any other reasons why you are feeling so bad and vomiting.. I personally would want answers.

Anne G.
on 6/21/14 3:16 pm - Hawkesbury, Canada

Thank you for your support.  I will try to explain a little more of my problem.  I am vomitting a lot because, Inside my tummy, scar tissue has formed and made my stomach do a curve.  That causes me to throw up so much because the food I eat (only 1/2 cup) comes back up.  Also, i've gained back some weight because of the anti-depressants I've been taking for the last 2 yrs, but my surgeon also thinks that, since i'm not keeping anything down or almost nothing,  the calories I DO take is kept stored as fat in my body.  Okay, I don't ALWAYS eat the proper food as it has been 2 1/2 yrs since surgery.... and I do tend to graze during the day some days.....  I think my body is in starvation mode right now....  Plus,  why oh why does Junk food sits so well in my stomach????   So my surgeon says that doing the RNY would solve my problem by cutting away the part of my stomach that is curved and, at the same time, he's going to do the second part of my first surgery, the sleeve, so i can start to lose weight again.  I do know that i will have to wait my turn, but I can wait....  it's been two years of vomitting anyways.  I was going to pay for surgery but the loan was not accepted.   I will try to see my surgeon again this month and keep you posted.

thanks again


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