Re: Gastric bypass

on 6/19/14 4:06 am - Innisfil, Canada

Hey, I'm on here to gather as much info as possible regarding gastric bypass. I live in Barrie. Has anyone who lives close that has had the surgery?? I would like to know how long the wait was? what info is needed? etc

on 6/19/14 6:20 am

Hi there, I live in Gravenhurst, just north of you. I would have to say that each case is handled on its oun merits. Myself, I think I went through the process extremely rapidly. From the time of my referral until my surgery , it was only a mere 5 months. Others wait years. I was not a real big heavy-weight, but I did not want to wait until I was heavier and older. I went in at 230lbs, with 3 co-morbids. Plus joint issues. They will walk you through the process, oyu need to see the dietician, nurse , social worker, internist , surgeon, pre-op. It is a long process, I think they make it that way to be sure it is what is needed and it is what you truly want.  Myself, the surgery saved my life. My cousin, who also had the surgery, says it nearly killed him. But he had the bypass about 20 yrs ago. Likely he wasnt informed as we are. and ate without reguard to his needs after a bypass. As this is permanent and life altering.  Verse yourself on the pros and cons and make sure you know of all of the dietary needs post op, as you will be questioned of your knowledge from all of the workers pre-op and assessed accordingly. You will not pass GO untill you make ALL of the workers content that you will succeed with surgery. All the best to you on your path 


on 6/19/14 11:08 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Hey :) I pm'd you x

Mary A.
on 6/26/14 12:20 am

things are much different then when I had my surgery in the USA 5 years ago....patience will be required and some flow through the process quickly and effortlessly, while others have a bit of a longer and more difficult time, what I will say is that if you have a wait longer than expected just take the time to make positive changes in your life now, it will make post-op MUCH easier. 

If you learn how to read labels, how to keep the wrong foods from your life and only indulge OCCASIONALLY, you will be a's a long process and a life long commitment and the results are wonderful


I have regained 17lbs of my 132lb weight loss, and every day is a constant reminder that donuts are not an every day indulgence and amongst other enticing foods, I have to remember that I should eat to live...NOT live to eat~!..

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

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