Feel like giving up

Onward and

on 6/18/14 1:11 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

I think that if the NP told you that your surgery was going to progress on schedule that you can probably trust that. But I would still consider calling the clinic manager or the patient advocate to complain about being put through that worry. They shouldn't be treating people like that just because they're checking in once or twice a month to see where they are in the process.

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

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on 6/18/14 1:19 pm

Wow, this is scary, indeed. I worried about calling for this similar reason, but I have to tell you, it's not you, it's people with God complexes.

And sadly, it's not just bariatric surgery. A cousin of mine was diagnosed with a 6-pound tumor in her uterus and told she needed emergency surgery. They scheduled surgery THREE months from her visiting Emergency and hearing this. So, she started to call weekly to check for appointment cancellations. She was scared!

Finally the DOCTOR got on the line said, "WHAT IS WRONG with you??? Do you have a mental disorder????" Wow. Just wow.

By the time they actually took the tumour it had grown several inches and several pounds.

So hang in there, it's not you!

on 6/19/14 7:32 am

That is horrible!  Did your cousin complain?  I hope she did.  And the doctor behaving like that is just awful, wow.  I mean, what if she did have a mental disorder, what kind of a way is that to speak with someone with mental illness?  Someone like that should not be in the healthcare field, period.  Thank you for sharing your story, it helps to hear others have similar experiences.

on 6/19/14 8:01 am

I know, right? I was mortified. The whole family freaked out. we all yelled and complained. It was worse, actually, they didn't even believe her in the beginning that she had anything wrong! And then when one doctor did, and sent her to the ER they didn't believe her there or give her the emergency ultrasound her doctor had asked them to do! Horrible, just horrible.

And you're right, so WHAT if she had a mental illness? She had a HUGE tumour!  a$$hats all of them.

on 6/19/14 11:50 am

So sorry you had to go through that.  Glad your family stood up for her. 

on 6/19/14 1:46 pm

a friend told me that lana's new voice mail message says , if you are calling about a surgery date, she will not call you back !!


on 6/19/14 9:35 pm

I think it is another sign they do not have enough staff to cover the phone enquiries they receive. Something is not right in scheduling at the civic.

on 6/18/14 9:23 pm

I hope the nurse is correct too, but this incident worries me a great deal.

on 6/18/14 1:28 pm - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 05/22/14

With the amount of times referrals get lost, mis-roited, thrown out or filed accidentally (I used to work for doctors), I don't blame you one bit for calling. I believe myself, I waited 2 months or so before I got the surgeon appointment - and that day I got my surgery date. How long have you been waiting for the call? I don't blame you for being upset, and I absolutely think you need to escalate that discussion you had with the person on the phone. It is unacceptable. 

Don't give up, if you feel you may never get the date, one day the call will come and surprise you. Because really, if you give up, they will call....eventually. 

on 6/18/14 9:26 pm

Thank you, I feel a little calmer today but am going to work puffy eyed and feel emotionally drained. 

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