When it rains it pours

on 6/20/14 2:45 am - Canada

Hello there

 Sorry been MIA last 2 days. Lets start with yesterday morning which bagan with a sickness. Yeap 6:30 am running to the toile and kissing the hrone. Thought I was still ok bu kept on clear fluids no Optifast until a bit later. Geting prepared for las dietary class before surgery and still not feeling great so gently sipping lae Optifast, hop the bus for an hour and get to the hospital then walk to the complete other end ( also known as the mile long LOL) waddled to the bathroom as quick as I can and go potty again, get into class with around 30 other people so sit close to he back of the room just incase and sure enough shortly after all bean made another mad dash to the potty didnt make it in time :( Tried to clean up as much as possible and was ushered down to the emergency room. Well to cut things short another 7 hours later and over 30 pokes for blood and IV I found out I had a virus with a small fever :( So as of today we have beun some more medications and will check in on MOnday to find out if my surgery is going to happen or not. If bowels and tummy have setled down then its a go if hey have not setled down then no surery until they can arrange somethng.

Theres my last 2 days in a nut shell Hope everyone else had a beter time then I did and keep me in your prayers and thoughts cause I wan my surgery this June 26th :)

Oh yeah good precaution for all if at all possibl;e dont get a virus or flu around your surgery time it isnt fun but does rea for the weight lose:)

304lbs down from310


on 6/20/14 4:11 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Sorry you are feeling so crappy. Hope it resolves in time for your surgery





Laurie C.
on 6/20/14 4:26 am - Collingwood, ON, Canada

Gotta say that really is awful but recovery is often quick, hang in there.



Surgery:  June 11, 2012--Dr. Starr--Humber


Karen M.
on 6/20/14 6:06 am - Mississauga, Canada

Ugh - so sorry to hear you're having a rough go of it. Here's hoping it passes quickly and you're set for surgery on the 26th!



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 6/20/14 11:28 am - Canada

Thanks everyone, well at leas the temperature has dropped down to normal today and tummy seemst o have regained staying put , had 2 Optifast today. also was told today to use Imodium tablets and Metamusil so trying those ideas.. Also resighting the story of he llittle train "I think I can , I think I can"

Everything helps.


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