It has begun....

on 6/17/14 5:54 am - toronto, Canada

So yesterday I had my info session and today decided to start *trying* to eat healthier. Of course one of the guys work comes in with bacon cheese burgers for everyone but I stuck to my guns (so far lol) and said no. I've' opted for my apple instead. I can imagine how tough this journey is going to be *sighhhh* 

on 6/17/14 11:06 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good for you. That can't of been easy. Just a suggestion. Do not try to make it too difficult now. The test will be later especially when you hit maintenance. Making changes now is great but perhaps pick your battles. Give up soda, drink more water and try to eat slowly. These will help you after you have had surgery.

Good luck in your journey





on 6/17/14 12:30 pm - toronto, Canada

That's a good idea.. Choose my battles for now. 

on 6/18/14 1:04 am - Arnprior, Canada

I agree with Pat, don't try to do everything at once.  You'll only frustrate yourself and feel defeated.  That doesn't mean you can't make changes.  But make small ones, and make them to last.  A good place to start is with a journal.  Journal everything, food, activity, emotions, etc.  Do this for a week or so, and it will give you a picture of where you are at.  Then you can decide what you want to work on first.  You will eventually work on it all, but take one thing at a time.  Wether it's increasing water to 8 glasses a day (if you only drink 1 now, aim for 2, then 3 and work yourself up.)  Giving up pop, starting by cutting back.  Babysteps that stick are better then leaps where you can have troubles.

Good luck on your journey,



on 6/18/14 1:53 am - toronto, Canada

Everyone says keeping a journal really helps. I don't really feel like Im an emotional eater but I guess I could be so I should give it a shot.


Thanks for the reply!

on 6/18/14 2:01 am - PALMDALE, CA

It'll be tough, but you can do it!  


HW-258 SW- 247 CW-147 Surgery date-8/11/2011

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