Setting your goal weight

on 6/16/14 1:58 am

I have not had a goal weight set for me. I have my pre-op in a little over a week, so they give you your goal weight there?

Thx :)

on 6/16/14 2:42 am - Arnprior, Canada

Not all centres will give you a goal weight.  I was asked mine, but they didn't give me a "goal".  You can set a goal for yourself, but let yourself be flexable on it.  At one point, I was told that if I was at the low end of my BMI, I would be dead as I would have 0 body fat, that the lowest I should be was higher than the WW top of the range.  WW didn't like being told that (this was before I started my journey of WLS).  Then again, I didn't like that counselor anyways.

Set your goal to be healthy and to feel good about yourself., a weight is just numbers.  2 people at the same numbers are not necesarily at the same health level.  Better goals are the non scale ones as far as I'm concerned.



Karen M.
on 6/17/14 5:38 am - Mississauga, Canada

I did not have a goal weight set for me, nor did I set one. The centres hope you have a 60% excess body weight loss, I was open to ANY loss. I recall discussing it with my surgeon and told him I'd never been at a "normal" weight, so had no idea what that would be or look like. Very unlike me (who likes to be in control of things) I let my body decide when it was done. Went from 290, now at 120. MORE than pleased. :)



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on 6/18/14 1:23 pm, edited 6/18/14 1:25 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

I did the same as Karen, although my body "chose" a different weight, LOL.  I just kind of let my body (and mind) decide when I was done losing, and that was around the 175 mark. Now I hover between 175 and 180 depending on time of month. I'm not what you'd call skinny, and according to the BMI, I'm in the middle of the "overweight" range, but I feel really good at this weight, I can maintain it relatively easily and still enjoy food without feeling deprived, am more than happy with the way I look, and am more active and mobile than ever before (never thought I'd be able to ride a bike 22 km to and from work with huge hills!), so this works for me.  Maybe I'll lose more at some point, but if I don't, this is fine with me.

Oh, and my clinic (TWH) also didn't set a goal weight for me. They asked me about my goals, but mine were pretty much non-scale goals - mobility, fitting in plane seats and other seats, that kind of thing. The only number goal I gave before surgery was something like, "If I get down to 200 or less, that would be nice."

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

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on 6/18/14 1:29 pm

That's fantastic! Congrats :)


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