I finally get to post this - GOT MY SURGERY DATE OTTAWA

on 6/6/14 4:24 am

After a year of reading nearly every post on this board and dreaming of being able to make this post, the day is here!!!!

Surgery is scheduled for July 14th!!!!! Optifast starts June 23rd, the day after my birthday!!!!

Thanks to everyone who has made any posts or comments over the past year, I have learned from you and felt supported by you. I know a few people who met the surgeon the same day or a few weeks after me, please update when you get your call so we can all support each other.

             Referral: July 11, 2013         Surgery: July 14, 2014

on 6/6/14 4:48 am - Aurora, Canada
RNY on 10/03/14

Congratulations!  I too can't wait for the day I can post the same.

Orientation: Jan 27, 2014, Surgeon: Feb 14, 2014, Doctor Internal Medecine: May 5, 2014,  Nurse/Social Worker/Dietician: May 7, 2014, 2nd Visit Social Worker: June 20, 2014, 2nd visit Surgeon: July 11, 2014, PATT (HRRH): Sep 18, 2014 Surgery Date: Oct 3, 2014


on 6/6/14 6:59 am

OMG - yahoo!!! 

So happy for you Amber.  Did they give you a PATTS date too at the same time? 

If they follow this timeline then I should be getting a call in a few weeks.

Thank you for the info!!  I will definitely let you and the world know when I finally get my date. lol

Julie...you are next my friend...exciting....

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

on 6/6/14 7:42 am - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

I know...maybe next week I'll hear from them.  But you're gonna love me even more now since I decided to push my surgery at the end of August since I planned a couple of family vacations with my husband and boys.  I don't want them to miss out on summer. But my time will come, and at the end of August, it will be MY TURN .  So maybe that will put you before me   

Referral: June 26, 2013  Confirmation: July 4, 2013  Orientation(OWMC) Sept.13, 2013  Nurse: Dec. 3, 2013  Nut/Beh: Jan. 28, 2014  Pre-surgical class: Feb. 26, 2014  Meet Surgeon: March 18, 2014  PAU: July 11, 2014  Surgery with Dr. Yelle: Aug. 11, 2014              




on 6/6/14 8:00 am

Ha ha, that is so funny - I love it!  What a crazy process eh?  Do you know what weeks the centre is closing for in July?  I am assuming it is the last 2 weeks as they are booking for July 14th.  If so I would be bumped to August for sure.  Its supposed to be nice weather this weekend, hope you have a good one :0)

on 6/6/14 7:32 am - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

 Ye!!!  Glad to here you got your call.  SO EXCITING   

Referral: June 26, 2013  Confirmation: July 4, 2013  Orientation(OWMC) Sept.13, 2013  Nurse: Dec. 3, 2013  Nut/Beh: Jan. 28, 2014  Pre-surgical class: Feb. 26, 2014  Meet Surgeon: March 18, 2014  PAU: July 11, 2014  Surgery with Dr. Yelle: Aug. 11, 2014              




on 6/6/14 9:22 am

so happy for you. wish I could make up my mind, I was offered a June date and deferred it to sept thinking i could lose it on my own but now I am not sure, its is so hard :(


on 6/6/14 9:29 am

I'm so excited for you!! I have to wait until things are settled between insurance and hospital. I'm so excited but might have to wait until November. It's okay, at least I know it's coming. I'm really happy for you. Good luck!!


on 6/8/14 9:06 am - Ontario, Canada

Congratulations!!!!!  I can't wait to be able to say that as well!!!  :)

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