Question about wait times at Guelph
Good morning everyone,
I have been finding this board so helpful. I love reading the posts and getting some inkling of what my life after WLS may look like....I also like when I read someone else is "waiting" and having similar thoughts as I am....makes this all so much more real to me...I remember years ago hearing about WLS and thinking it was so drastic and that "those people" who had it were so rare but "lucky"...It is difficult for me to see too far ahead and visualize being on the "table" for WLS but I am in I better start realizing it may possibly be a reality for ME too...
As I am in the process of waiting I am feeling a little anxious about everything right now. I have been told it can take a long time to get to surgery. I am normally a pretty patient lady and I do understand why it is important to take time to process for safety reasons and I believe psychological reasons as well. I get that.
However I feel as if my whole like is in limbo and on hold. I am trying to book some vacation time in the fall and upcoming winter and don't feel sure of where I will be or in what condition I will be.
SO my question is this... For those of you had your surgery at the Guelph hospital....from the time you had your first visit with the Nurse to long was it?
I am thinking maybe 9 months? but I have heard it can be sooner...YIKES...this is the hard part...maybe I am not as patient as I think I am ...hehehe
Happy Monday everyone
Referral to Guelph: January 2014 ~ Orientation Guelph: April 24.14~ Meet Nurse: June 03.14, August 28.14 ~ Meet SW: June 16.14 & Aug.28.14 & Feb.09.15 ~ Meet Dietician: June 16.14, August 28.14 & Nov.19.14~ Dec.31.14 & Feb.05.15 Meet Internist Dr Agarwal: Sept.28.14 ~ Post Op Nutrition class: March 16.2015 Meet Surgeon: April 16.15 ~ Approved for surgery: April 16.15 ~ Surgery Date: July 14.15 ~ Started Opti: July 07.14~ Opti Starting weight: TBD~ Surgery weight: TBD ~ Goal weight: 150
Hi there, I totally understand how you feel about booking vacation and such. I, myself, cant believe I am in the line either. Here is my time line so far. I asked my doctor to refer me back in August unsure when they did this but I assume much later as I was in the Orientation class in Dec 2013; I saw the nurse for the 1st in Jan 2014, then the dietitian and social worker in Feb 2014, then all 3 in March 2014. I have my pre op nutrition class today and I hear after this I wait for a call from the surgeon to meet then surgery. I spoke with the receptionist regarding the nutrition class and she said the doctors have to ensure they can complete all the surgeries in a specific time after the class because they want the info to be fresh in peoples heads. Unsure if this helps. What stage are you at?
Hi Chika,
Thanks for your response. I am going through the Guelph hospital. My referral went to Guelph January 2014... I had orientation on April 24th 2014 and I am scheduled to see the Nurse on June 3rd and then the SW and Dietician on June 16th. I have all my tests done and will be taking them to the Nurse's appointment. SO I am just trying to figure out when I may be having surgery...I am thinking March of 2015 maybe...?? 9 months from time I see Nurse...Are you going through Guelph?
Referral to Guelph: January 2014 ~ Orientation Guelph: April 24.14~ Meet Nurse: June 03.14, August 28.14 ~ Meet SW: June 16.14 & Aug.28.14 & Feb.09.15 ~ Meet Dietician: June 16.14, August 28.14 & Nov.19.14~ Dec.31.14 & Feb.05.15 Meet Internist Dr Agarwal: Sept.28.14 ~ Post Op Nutrition class: March 16.2015 Meet Surgeon: April 16.15 ~ Approved for surgery: April 16.15 ~ Surgery Date: July 14.15 ~ Started Opti: July 07.14~ Opti Starting weight: TBD~ Surgery weight: TBD ~ Goal weight: 150
So, this shows you the difference in people and timelines! I was at the orientation in Guelph on Dec 12. I have had 2 appts each with Dietician, SW and Nurse. Still waiting to be signed off, because of the sleep study process. I was required to have one because my BMI is over 50 AND also had to see an internist because of that too! I get my SS results on friday, then a final Dietician consult in the first week of June, then I think I will be on the list for surgery. Cyco is having the pre op nutrition class today, and I am not there yet!
BUT in the meantime, I have changed a lot in my eating and exercise and attitude, and have lost 12 lbs since first appointments on Feb 26, so surgery is the goal, but I have unexpected and good progress already!
One of the professionals I saw last in early may at Guelph estimates I may have surgery by late fall, we will see....
on 5/25/14 11:11 pm, edited 5/25/14 11:29 pm
Hi and welcome to the waiting game. Waiting times in Guelph can be long. It really depends on so much. Things that you have to consider is everyone is different. Factors could include... How many people are ahead of you, If there are others worse off than you such as higher BMI's, life threatening situations ect.Blood Tests, ultra sounds & Upper GI test results that need to be fixed before surgery, sleep studies, Nurse, Dietitian and Social worker evaluations, Surgeon schedules, Hospital bed & Operating room availability, budgets... ect ect ect..... Don't set your expectations for a certain time frame as you just dont know what & who is ahead of you. Some wait 1 to 1&1/2 to 2 years if not more. The best thing to do is go with the flow, dont set yourself up for disappointment, just start to practice better eating habits, exercise and continue to educate yourself on this surgery, pre & post op. Mentally prepare yourself... it is not as easy as just going into the operating room and loosing weight. My favorite expression is this surgery is JUST a tool, how you work this tool will determine your success. But your turn will come, its hard I know first hand but so worth it.... Good Luck and Keep Smiling.
I am going through Guelph as well...last week got really excited as I had received a message from Maria at the clinic saying they received my referral but it was for the wrong program!! The doctor's office sent my referral for the non-surgical program (I already tried that last year), so had to call them and get them to resend it to the surgical, delay, right? :( I've initially been waiting 2 years already as I had been first referred in January 2012 but by December 2012 I did not qualify for the surgery, now here I am back at my first referral weight and hoping to get the surgery this time. For me, having it next year does work better for me anyway, work wise, kids being taken care of, etc..I would think if you were referred in January 2014, you could be looking at surgery either at the end of this year or early next??

Moving on doesn't mean you forget about things. It just means you have to accept what happened and continue LIVING
I guess I am lucky, my family doc is really on the ball, and got the referral in quickly, ordered all the tests etc. I needed quick, quick. The big delay for me was the sleep study results. Had that study back in March but had to wait this long for the results. Grrrrr, or should I say zzzzzzz. But all at the clinic has gone very well.
I am hoping from what I am gathering is that I may have it before the new year. Knowing though, that decision is with the medical professionals. Who know best. As it should be.