First NSV - "arm gap"!

on 5/18/14 9:28 am - Toronto, Canada
VSG on 05/06/14

I have no hopes or plans for ever having the "thigh gap" (google at your own risk), but today I noticed something - arm gap! Just under two weeks out from surgery and there is definitely space between my arms and my torso that was not there pre-Opti.

I'm down 26 lbs since April 15th, and I am noticing it most in my face and above the waist, which makes sense - I'm very pear shaped.

For those who are near their date and getting worried, I must say that I have had a perfectly fine experience thus far. The first 24 hours was hardest: I couldn't stay awake to sip my water, I was fairly sore in the abdomen and there were no "surgery twins" at TWH to say hello to when doing my walks. But then I had a mass of visitors, I went onto tablet painkiller and even went home hours earlier than expected!

Now, I've had a VSG so I know I'm probably experiencing different mechanics than an RNY patient. But my biggest hurdle has been multi-vitamins, and once I gave up on a cut up pill and found a chewable, life was so much easier!

My incisions are small and healing well. I have one big bruise at the largest incision, and it kind of looks like a mini-lipo job was done there, but that's not unlike the scar I have from a previous surgery in 2005. At least it's not on the same side of my torso! Now they are going to balance out (I hope).

I got really nervous my last few days before surgery, so I know what people are going through. Maybe no everyone has a great post-op, but many of us do. Just breathe and take it from me: this is WORTH IT!

Referral 08/13, Orientation TWH 09/18/13, SW 09/26/13, NP 09/26/13, Surgeon Appt 12/13/13, MRI 01/06/14, Nut Class 01/14/14, Nut 01/20/14, Scopes 02/21/14, Psych 02/25/14, Dr. Urbach 03/28/14, PATTS 04/15/14, SURGERY 05/06/14!!! 

(deactivated member)
on 5/18/14 10:24 am

Yay! So happy for you! You are my surgery twin except I was at TEGH and a day after you. It's pretty awesome noticing the little things eh? I have also noticed that I can cross my legs now and I have more energy everyday. Much needed because I have 3 kids I need to keep up with :) congrats on a successful surgery and recovery :) 

on 5/18/14 11:11 pm - Toronto, Canada
VSG on 05/06/14

Oh yes, that's true! Wish we could have been at the same place! I only saw one gal at TWH on my first night who had had bariatrics, otherwise I was on my ownsies. I did enjoy my big single room, ha!

I am a ways out from crossing my legs (I carry most of my excess weight in my hips and thighs) but I am pretty happy with progress thus far! I do have a bit more energy most days, but I probably need to get moving more to really notice. I need to stop being a couch potato!

Looking forward to sharing progress stories with you!

Referral 08/13, Orientation TWH 09/18/13, SW 09/26/13, NP 09/26/13, Surgeon Appt 12/13/13, MRI 01/06/14, Nut Class 01/14/14, Nut 01/20/14, Scopes 02/21/14, Psych 02/25/14, Dr. Urbach 03/28/14, PATTS 04/15/14, SURGERY 05/06/14!!! 

(deactivated member)
on 5/19/14 12:00 am

Yes,  It would have been nice to see someone else walking the halls with me :) I was pretty lonely too. Plus my surgical team told me to walk, walk, walk and my nurses told me I was walking too much, go figure, lol. But I'm lucky that my recovery has gone well and other than the incisions, I don't even feel like I had surgery! Can't wait to share more NSV's down the road. Keep up the good work. 

on 5/19/14 12:08 am - Toronto, Canada
VSG on 05/06/14

Wow! I am not quite there yet, definitely can tell I had surgery, though I'm only taking half a Percocet when I go to bed, because that is when I'm most uncomfortable. I blame the gallbladder ;)

on 5/18/14 11:04 am

Congrats on your gaps.  Its wonderful seeing all the changes taking place on your body. The scars just become a new chapter in your interesting life.  Ain't life just wonderful.  Enjoy all your new chapters.


on 5/18/14 11:12 pm - Toronto, Canada
VSG on 05/06/14

Thank-you Cathy!

Referral 08/13, Orientation TWH 09/18/13, SW 09/26/13, NP 09/26/13, Surgeon Appt 12/13/13, MRI 01/06/14, Nut Class 01/14/14, Nut 01/20/14, Scopes 02/21/14, Psych 02/25/14, Dr. Urbach 03/28/14, PATTS 04/15/14, SURGERY 05/06/14!!! 

Katie M.
on 5/18/14 11:42 pm - Georgetown, Canada
RNY on 10/18/13

Hurray!! Glad to hear you are doing so well :) The first few months are nothing but wonderful NSV's, small things that you never even saw coming, and I'm quite sure you'll appreciate every single one of them :) I had a big incision bruise for a long time, but that incision seems to be the one that is fading in colour the fastest - and at least now you're balanced out, lol ;) 

So good to hear you're having a good post-op. Keep up the awesome work and that 26 lbs will be doubled in no time! 

Referral May 2013 / orientation at TWH June 27 / nurse practitioner July 3 / social worker August 19 / nutrition class August 26 / nutritionist August 30 / psychologist September 3 / meet surgeon (Dr. Penner) September 20 / PATTS October 10 / Surgery October 18 2013!  


on 5/19/14 12:10 am - Toronto, Canada
VSG on 05/06/14

Thanks Katie! Oh man, I can't wait! I've got lots of summer clothes to shrink back into!

on 5/19/14 10:37 pm - Toronto, Canada

I too had my surgery on April 15th - had it very late in the day.  I had my follow up appointment  two weeks ago tomorrow and had lost 28 lbs since surgery and since Christmas a total of 78.  I wish I had known you were up and around - I was up walking around early the next morning - slowly - but walking. 

It sounds like we had very similar experiences - I could barely stay awake to sip my water and was sore in my abdomen as well.  I feel very lucky everything went well and am moving around really well now.  I can't believe how far I can move without getting winded now.  I started my soft diet this past friday and had my first scrambled egg in AGES and did it ever taste good! And it stayed down! I didn't have a problem so much with the multivitamins but with the calcium supplements - ugh.  I wanted to gag - they were huge and tasted absolutely disgusting.  Fortunately someone mentioned the liquid calcium from Shoppers - it's a little sweet but so much easier to get down than the giant tablets I had. 

I'm meeting with Dr. Rotstein tomorrow for my follow-up appointment.  Hoping to get weighed again (I don't have a scale at home).  I'm sure I've lost more since two weeks ago!  I too was super nervous the last few days before my surgery and in fact, I'm willing to admit, when I lay down on the operating table, I started balling my eyes out I was so scared.  But I'm so glad I did it.  Even only 5 weeks out, I'm feeling better, and can see results all over.  I have shoulders again! Wooo hoo!

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