What are you eating/doing today (Saturday)

on 5/16/14 8:53 pm, edited 5/16/14 9:04 pm

RNY  5 Years 1 Month Post Op


Golfing this morning....visiting friends this afternoon.......flying south tomorrow for a week of warmth...whoo hoo


I will be around this summer but back and forth places.....PLEASE......don't wait for me to begin this thread....if you are up and you don't see it posted....please begin the day.....If I am around and up first......I will begin it........


Hope everyone has a great day....I will post my eats and stats when I have a chance to figure it out.....


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

    2.5 skewers of PC garlic and herb chicken skewers

    1/4 cup of tzatziki sauce


S on golf course - 1 hard boiled egg

                           1 Oh Yeah Bar


D - Panko crusted Tilapia

     3/4 cup of roasted butternut squash


S - Source dessert yogurt

     2 wasa with 1 light laughing cow cheese


MYFITNESSPAL Totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,069,  Carbs - 85 Grams,  Fat - 37 Grams,  Protein - 91 Grams


All water and vits

Have a great one   






on 5/16/14 10:00 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

11.5 Months Post Op

Steps 16889


Good Morning Barb, have a safe trip tomorrow.

If nobody minds, I am usually up at 330 am ( start work at 5am, until June 20 anyways when I am done) I can start this thread on the mornings I have a few extra  minutes.

Looks like a "lovely fall day " here.... Cloudy and chilly.

Off to do all the shopping and other errands today, Costco, Jewellers to get rings sized again, printer ink refilled so I can print off my resume, banking, and the off to Pandora with DH to get a couple new charms for my braclet.

What is everyone else doing today?


B- 1/3 cup granola 1/2, cup Skim milk, 1/4 banana, protein coffee

S- Pure Protein Bar

L- Cloverleaf Snack size Tuna (Spicy Paenut Saytay Flavor) 2 melba toast

S-Tea w/ milk

D- greek turkey burger on a grilled portabello mushroom, tomato, red onion

S- 1/3 cup greek yogurt w/chocolate SF pudding powder


Be well everyone









on 5/16/14 10:00 pm, edited 5/16/14 10:01 pm
RNY on 12/05/13

5+ months

Good morning Barb,

I don't blame you, I'd be headed south to warmer weather if I could.

Off to the cottage today. We have extra blankets out there and I know we are going to need them. My sympathy goes out to those camping this weekend. A number of my FB friends said they were headed out to camp (shiver).

B fried egg with texmex  light cheese back bacon 

S pure protein bar

L tuna melba

S cheese string turkey pepperette

D chicken breast asparagus

cal 832 carb 31 fat 34 protein 91

Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 5/16/14 10:22 pm - Canada

Good morning all! 

Yeah long weekend! I hope everyone has some downtime to enjoy it!

B- black coffee with 1 scoop of protien shake...mmm mocha tasty

S - hard boiled egg and a light baby bel


L- 1/2 cup beans in tomato sauce with cheddar, 4 crackers an tuna

S - Greek yougurt

D- extra lean ground beef meatloaf with potatoe/cauliflower mash and green beans

S- 3 cups of air popped popcorn with real butter

Gym - 523 calories burned

Total cal- 708

Fat - 20 grams

carbs - 71 grams

protien - 69 grams



Katie H.

Referral January 2013 - Orientation at TWH March 4  -  Social Worker May 27 - Nurse Practitioner July 11 - Nutrition Class August 26 - Dietitian September 4 - Psychologist September 4, Meeting with Surgeon September 13 - Surgery October 28


on 5/17/14 8:13 am - Alfred, Canada

Hi I'm new here and surgery is coming up this Friday..  Just wondering about your coffee saying regular coffee, I have been told many times can no longer drink reg coffee..





on 5/17/14 8:38 am - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Hi Cathy,

I drank decafe coffee for 2 months before surgery and for about 8 months post op. I drink regular coffee now, not alot, but at least one a day.

All the best for you on Friday, excited for you  









Karen M.
on 5/17/14 10:37 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Have a great trip Barb!



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