Bearded lady
I'm going to assume that there are many people in the group who also have pcos and have excessive facial hair, especially chin hair.
just wondering what the hair growth has been like post op. Has anyone noticed a significant change at all?
Also have people's periods suddenly become regular?
comments are welcomed and appreciated :-)
I am almost 6 weeks post op, and have not noticed a reduction with either the chin hair or period. In fact I think my hair grows faster. Yikes!!!
hoping it's slows are stops with more weight loss
Ref sent March 27th. Orientation June 27th 2013. Nurse Consult Aug 19. Social-worker and nutrition class Sept 3 SLEEP study Sept 3rd Doctor Consult Sept 27th...canceled, now Nov 11. Social worker (2ndappt) Oct24 Dietitian Oct 24 Physio appt Dec 13 and final windsorappt post op class Dec 19 Surgery April 8th
Sometimes after post op what happens is people starting taking things to try and stop hair loss but i fact it will make the other hair on your body grow more. Some people periods change because your hormones are effected from the surgery.
Referral- March 2012, Letter April 19, Orientation TWH- June 6, NP - July 3, Sleep Apena test July 16, Internist and SW - July 17, Nutritional class - July 23, Dietician appt. July 30th, Psych-Social appt - Aug 20th. Follow up with doctor sleep apena Aug. 28th Surgeons appt. - Dec. 14th Dr. Jackson. Surgery date - Feb 12 2013 - VSG

In the same boat and would like to know how people are doing after surgery too. For me I am not interested in having children so don't care if I ever have a period again really. More concerned about it helping with weight loss, excess hair, mood issues, energy levels. Really hoping to have some relief from those PCOS symptoms after surgery.
I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2006 and had surgery in 2012.
My periods became somewhat regular after I had my son in 2007 but now they are very regular. I had a lot of hair on my chin and unfortunately that did not change after weight loss. I am actually having laser hair removal to solve that problem.
I track my fertility signs and am convinced that I am ovulating regularly, which is a good thing for my body.
Remember that obesity isn't a cause for PCOS, and that many people with a normal BMI still get PCOS so losing weight might not help.
HW 282 OW 273 SW 247 CW 232
Hi Minkie83! I have rip roaring PCOS as well and I was wondering the same questions. I don't get a period at all now and I have to induce it every three months. My dietitian said that she has seen women have their first period hours after the surgery. I'm definitely not looking forward to getting my period back but it's all worth it if my hormones level out and my mood swings and energy level get better as well. As for the hair growth.....I hate it!!! There is nothing worse than plucking and waxing my chin and neck every few days. It's bad enough that I am overweight, never mind feeling like I look like a man! Let's both hope that some weight loss will at least ease our symptoms.
Referral - August 2013 Orientation - October 2013 Intake - November 2013 Nurse Practitioner - March 2014 Surgical Orientation - April 2014 Psychometrist - April 28, 2014 Nutritionist - May 5th, 2014 Ultrasound - May 21, 2014 Internest - July 29, 2014 Meet with Surgeons - August 7, 2014 PreOP - Aug 18th Scope - Aug 19, 2014 SURGERY AUGUST 27th!!!!!!
I feel your pain, PCOS ladies. (((Hugs of Empathy))) for every one of you.
I have it, too. Wasn't diagnosed for YEARS. Started showing symptoms my first year of marriage. This formerly athletic, outdoorsy girl. full of energy once, gained 100 pounds the first year, while living mostly on plain stewed tomatoes, eventually ballooning to 330 pounds. This illness ate up 20 years of my life; could not have the babies I wanted desperately and I've been weak, tired, moody, heavy, hurty and hairy for far too long. Plucking and waxing black hairs out of my arms, sweaty, losing hairs from my head, ugh. I'm in my fifties and meet with a surgeon this June, 2014.
I have heard of women whose symptoms of PCOS lessened after surgery. Some women have HT (hormone therapy) to help with the beardy/baldy problems.
Hang in there.
Hopefully the surgery will would have been nice to have had this sooner. Things happen for a reason and I am grateful for a husband who loves me as I am, over 300 pounds with lots of health problems.