Sweets after surgery

on 5/13/14 7:48 am
RNY on 05/16/12

"... but I do want to fit in..."

Fitting in has nothing to do with food. Our society revolves around food and others would agree that this is a big challenge post surgery. We're conditioned to eat what is offered to us, eat what everyone else is eating, etc.

Dawn said it very well that it is the company you are with, not the food. Don't eat crap food just to fit in. It is a slippery slope.

HW 282 OW 273 SW 247 CW 232

(deactivated member)
on 5/13/14 8:05 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

If you are at Timmie's having a tea or coffee, you won't be able to have a timbit anyway since you are not to eat and drink together, crisis averted by having a calorie free drink instead.  Eating sweets is not a way to fit in.  You will be able to eat pretty much anything you want in small quantities but most of us save dessert type things  for a special occasion only and it's usually a bite and nothing more. I wouldn't think going to Timmie's is a special occasion at least it isn't to me.  I'd also hold off have anything until you are at goal.  You wont' have room for much for months and why waste the space on something with zero nutritional value.

(deactivated member)
on 5/13/14 9:09 am

If you have to eat to "fit in" then I would suggest get new friends or stay home. Seriously because 1 timbit will lead to 2 ect. I would suggest you talk to your social worker as this is a sign that you need assistance dealing with your food addiction. To fit in you should not have to eat,

on 5/13/14 10:38 am - Canada

Thanks everyone... I'm not really sure what will happen after surgery. A lot of ppl had said that after you don't really have the same cravings as you did before. I guess I won't know till I'm done with the surgery. I know what you mean the whole "fit in" thing was wrong. It is about the company not the food. If I am struggling with this after surgery I will for sure get help but I don't know what will happen till I reach that point. Thanks and I'm supper excited for Thursday :)

(deactivated member)
on 5/13/14 11:09 am

Good Luck on Thursday... your life is about to change for the better!!!

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