Emotional Eating

on 5/9/14 11:04 pm - Aurora, Canada
RNY on 10/03/14

Hi.  I had my appointments this week with the nurse, dietician, doctor of internal medecine and the social worker.  Was cleared by all except the social worker due to eating in response to emotions.  I have another appointment with her in 6 weeks.  I was so disappointed; I am working on logging and analyzing those times already, but she wants me to go to counselling (already been there, done that several times in my life) and attend groups run by the hospital etc.  Has this happened to anyone else?  And if so, do you have any tips on how to successfully proceed to surgery?

Orientation: Jan 27, 2014, Surgeon: Feb 14, 2014, Doctor Internal Medecine: May 5, 2014,  Nurse/Social Worker/Dietician: May 7, 2014, 2nd Visit Social Worker: June 20, 2014, 2nd visit Surgeon: July 11, 2014, PATT (HRRH): Sep 18, 2014 Surgery Date: Oct 3, 2014


Karen M.
on 5/9/14 11:57 pm - Mississauga, Canada

I think many of us have issues with emotional eating. The SW isn't wrong in suggesting counselling, groups etc. that may address the issue, but it sounds as though you have experience in self-evaluating your thoughts and behaviour. My best advice (and not saying this will be adequate) would be to create a daily eating form that lists your meals (with amounts), the nutritional value of foods ingested, and a column for your emotional level at each meal or snack. I'd go so far as to make that column a 3-part self-evaluation: How am I feeling before I eat and what is the cause (i.e. I am anxious because .....)? How am I feeling while I eat? How am I feeling after I ate? Try to be detailed, bring it all with you and show her how you have attempted to analyse your emotions with respect to food.

Seems like a lot of work, I know. But it may help your case to move forward to surgery and being aware of your emotional responses to food wouldn't hurt either.




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 5/10/14 6:40 am - Aurora, Canada
RNY on 10/03/14

Thanks Karen. I am recording a 'mood log' supplied by Social Worker. I've also arranged counselling for stress mgmt through my work EAP as advised by SW. Also once I make up my mind to not eat in response to emotions I just do it. Haven't done it once since my appt by employing methods I've already studied. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Orientation: Jan 27, 2014, Surgeon: Feb 14, 2014, Doctor Internal Medecine: May 5, 2014,  Nurse/Social Worker/Dietician: May 7, 2014, 2nd Visit Social Worker: June 20, 2014, 2nd visit Surgeon: July 11, 2014, PATT (HRRH): Sep 18, 2014 Surgery Date: Oct 3, 2014


(deactivated member)
on 5/10/14 4:39 am - Canada

I hear you, but it could be worse.  Let me tell you my social worker experiences....I saw the social worker last November with a follow up scheduled for March.  In the meantime, he referred me to a psychologist as I had issues with binge eating and formerly was a bulimic.  I successfully completed an eating disorders program at the same hospital where the bariatric clinic is located, passed with flying colours in fact and saw a psychologist on my own for support.  Bulimia is long gone.  I will go to the psychologist at the bariatric clinic, willingly in fact.  Problem is, there wasn't one in November.  I have phoned repeatedly to find out if a psychologist has yet been hired and as of yesterday, there IS STILL NO PSYCHOLOGIST!!  The social worker had cancelled the March follow up until I see the psychologist and ALL my other appointments have been put on hold. (endoscopy, abdominal ultrasound, cardiologist).  I have offered to go back to my own psychologist.  I have offered to go to a psychologist at another bariatric center.  No go.  I started this process last July, and by my estimation unless they hire a psychologist in the next week, my surgery will not be this year.  I am so frustrated I am considering backing out of this process.  I didn't mean to make my response all about me, but that has been my experience.  If I had to do it all again, I would LIE.  I would say I do not ever binge eat or overeat.  Good luck with your journey, I am sure mine is worst case on this particular issue.


on 5/10/14 6:48 am - Aurora, Canada
RNY on 10/03/14

I'm sorry to hear you've had such a terrible experience. It seems unduly harsh. Have you tried to speak to the head of the bariatric clinic?

Orientation: Jan 27, 2014, Surgeon: Feb 14, 2014, Doctor Internal Medecine: May 5, 2014,  Nurse/Social Worker/Dietician: May 7, 2014, 2nd Visit Social Worker: June 20, 2014, 2nd visit Surgeon: July 11, 2014, PATT (HRRH): Sep 18, 2014 Surgery Date: Oct 3, 2014


(deactivated member)
on 5/10/14 7:11 am - Canada

Thanks.  Right now I have a call  in to the social worker, so hopefully he will call me back next week.  If I don't get answers from him, that may be my next step.

on 5/10/14 10:15 am

Sorry to hear about your situation - it sounds super annoying.  Glad to hear you are phoning and doing all you can.  Why would they not let you see someone at the civic? It makes no sense.  I know you feel helpless but please do not let that stop you. You can do it!

(deactivated member)
on 5/10/14 10:41 pm - Canada

Thanks Zizzler, its super frustrating!  I was told that Kingston doesn't share psychological resources with Ottawa, even though they share other resources such as the endoscopy and the surgery itself!  It really makes me second guess my decision...hopefully I'll get some answers in the coming week.


on 5/10/14 11:23 pm

I totally hear what you are saying, and hope they straighten things out soon so you can move forward. I feel the same waiting for an surgery appointment now and it is currently taking 3 months or longer just to get a date. And I can't plan anything for the summer because you never know when they will call.  So even at this final stage it is very frustrating.  All you can do is try to keep on top of things by calling them and asking for updates, which you are already doing.  I wouldn't give up on having surgery this year, it can still happen as things can move quickly once they get going. Best of luck to you with this and let us know how things are going.

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

on 5/11/14 12:25 am - Aurora, Canada
RNY on 10/03/14

Traceoftrace - don't give up just before the victory!

Orientation: Jan 27, 2014, Surgeon: Feb 14, 2014, Doctor Internal Medecine: May 5, 2014,  Nurse/Social Worker/Dietician: May 7, 2014, 2nd Visit Social Worker: June 20, 2014, 2nd visit Surgeon: July 11, 2014, PATT (HRRH): Sep 18, 2014 Surgery Date: Oct 3, 2014


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