Can I buy you a drink? ;)

on 5/9/14 12:26 am

Thanks for posting this K!

Many of us get overwhelmed with the immediate reactions, that its very easy to overlook the long term repercussions.


Surgery done by Dr Gmora at St. Joe's in Hamilton. Feb 3/14-- Pre opti weight: 327. Feb 19th --Day of Surgery weight: 308.  Current weight :175




Karen M.
on 5/9/14 1:23 am - Mississauga, Canada

I hope I didn't sound like an alarmist - I really have nothing at all against people drinking post-op. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to have an occasional glass of wine again without making myself sick. For now, I'm a coffee addict. lol



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 5/9/14 1:52 am

It didn't come across that way to me at all. You responded with a personal experience and concern for others :)



Surgery done by Dr Gmora at St. Joe's in Hamilton. Feb 3/14-- Pre opti weight: 327. Feb 19th --Day of Surgery weight: 308.  Current weight :175




on 5/8/14 11:44 pm - Arnprior, Canada

I think I was almost a year out before I had anything, and I only had half a glass of wine in a safe place and I could feel it.  Alcohol doe**** fast, and the feeling is over fast.  Because the feeling is gone fast, you think it's through your system and can drink more than you should.  As was said, there is no slowing down the alchohol any more, so it will go straight to your liver which means it will have to work harder and can have more damage than pre surgery.

I will have an occasional drink, but not when I go out as I'm always the DD.  There are lots of alternatives out there that you can have and still feel like drinking.  I enjoy the Crystal Light Daquaries and Margaritas myself (poured over lots of ice).  While mocktails are a great non-alchoholic drink, be careful of the sugar that can be in them.  Especially the fruit based ones.  I know that there is a frozen Bacardi drinks at grocery stores, but not sure how much sugar is in the mix (no alcohol in it unless you put it in).



on 5/8/14 11:56 pm - Toronto, Canada

I had mine too soon at three months. Back then they really didn't say when at all, and the Ontario Obesity Network website said three months, so I went with that. I was hammered and acting really dumb and drinking wasted calories. Not recommended for a long time. Although, if I want to get up and sing, my honey's favourite party trick is to "get Kelly half a glass of wine to chug." Three + years out and that's still all it takes. 

I often have a glass of wine in pics on Facebook....but rarely does the whole thing get consumed by me. LOL

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 5/8/14 11:58 pm

I would think to be "sociable" you can drink water with some crystal light mixed in...who will know if that margarita glass holds nothing but lemonade.  Unless you really want to get drunk, why risk your health?


on 5/9/14 12:52 am - Canada
RNY on 07/17/13

I was 5 months out before I had my first drink. I don't drink very often but it does seem that different drink**** me differently. mixed drinks are the best on the pouch. I find things like wine get me drunk quickly..but all in all water washes away the drunk quickly(for me anyways)

on 5/9/14 2:38 am - Cobourg, Canada
VSG on 04/12/13

I don't really understand why we are all trying to press the basic rules that help us stay on the "wagon".  The whole liquor industry is part of the big foodie machine that has contributed to our and society in general's obesity.  Why give them more $, jepordize our health, slip back into old habits?

In my case, I've deided I have received such a gift that I can give something up for good, something I don't need to live and certainly doesn't add any nutrition, only adds trouble.  If my social enviornment needs the addition of alcohol to help me fit in, gotta find a new environment.

Just do a seach on OH, and you will get more than a few cautionary tales.

on 5/9/14 5:16 am
RNY on 12/05/13

I agree with this 100%. 

I know I will be facing a lot of pressure from friends this summer. I will be mixing my own mocktails this summer.

my calories are limited and I don't want to risk damaging my liver.

Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 5/9/14 8:13 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

I think that's why the post was posted in the first place , to find out others experiences . I think to say that some people are trying to press the rules by asking about having an alchoholic beverage after surgery is a bit presumptious .And to assume that we need alchohol to fit into a social enviroment is again , rather a bold statement having not met someone and going on a simple question .

 I can only speak for myself here , but in no way did alcohol play any part in my struggle with my weight , I drink once in a while , and I have absolutely no shame in saying that I enjoy it or that I am very curious as to wether I will be able to continue to enjoy it after this surgery . As i am sure most people on this forum have thought of certain things they like to enjoy wether it be food or drinks or whatever !! This post has given very good advice on how the alchohol  passes straight through to the liver , something I had not researched yet and didnt think through  . It most definitely is a concern . And of course lifestyle will be modified afterwards to suit . Overall health is the goal here , but life and fun and pleasure is natural . This is gonna be hard but we are all learning right ? 

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