Can I buy you a drink? ;)

on 5/8/14 11:14 am

I am only 3 months out, and fully aware of all of the calorie, carbonation, effects, etc. , but I would be naive if I didn't think that at some point in the future I'm going to want to have one.

So this is just a question about how/when/where you had your first alcoholic beverage and how did it go?










Surgery done by Dr Gmora at St. Joe's in Hamilton. Feb 3/14-- Pre opti weight: 327. Feb 19th --Day of Surgery weight: 308.  Current weight :175




on 5/8/14 11:49 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Hey :) 

I have not had surgery yet , so I have no answer for you , but i have to say im glad someone asked this question . It is something I have thought about also . I enjoy a drink now and again , I drink maybe once every couple of months when I get a night out or a weekend away with my girlies . And at the risk of criticism. ...I can drink a lot on those occasions and party hard ! And id  be lying if I said I wasnt going to miss that . Obviously I value my overall health and that is the reason I am doing this but yeah , I would like to enjoy a vodka or a red wine on occasion but not sure if it will be an option . And even if it is ...will it  be the same ? Or will we be intolerant ? can we even get physically get drunk ????? Lol ! ....good question dear ....and congrats on your journey so far , hope you are feeling good x 

on 5/8/14 12:16 pm

Thanks! I have been very fortunate and had zero issues. Hope you have the same when the time comes!

I was exactly like you pre surgery. A social drinker and a good one at that! ;)

I'm pretty sure that getting drunk is possible. For most, it sounds like its VERY easy to do so. I might have to do a test drink at home at some point. I would hate to be that crazy drunk naked chick at the bar lol



Surgery done by Dr Gmora at St. Joe's in Hamilton. Feb 3/14-- Pre opti weight: 327. Feb 19th --Day of Surgery weight: 308.  Current weight :175




Katie M.
on 5/8/14 5:53 pm - Georgetown, Canada
RNY on 10/18/13

I'm only 7 months out so I haven't tried anything but I think wine would be the most common answer :) Pre-op the most I drank was a few coolers by the pool in summer and one rum and coke at Christmas, but I can definitely say that now that I am going out a lot more I do wish I could have a drink now and again. I can't remember what my centre's rules are about it, I want to say waiting a year but maybe that's changed to even longer... But I hate wine and beer, which really only leaves mixed drinks whi*****lude pop/carbonation or lots of sugar :/ So that's no good. But I don't know any alternatives!

anyway, short answer is I bet most people tried wine when they were given the ok to try booze :)

Referral May 2013 / orientation at TWH June 27 / nurse practitioner July 3 / social worker August 19 / nutrition class August 26 / nutritionist August 30 / psychologist September 3 / meet surgeon (Dr. Penner) September 20 / PATTS October 10 / Surgery October 18 2013!  


on 5/8/14 7:06 pm - Brampton, ON, Canada
RNY on 10/15/13

I asked our centre (TWH) at last Dietician meeting she said they used to say 18 months but now they are recommending 2 years. It is very easy to get drunk as our new pouches do not have absorption and so won't absorb some of it and slowly let it get to our liver.  nope..... now liquor goes in and goes to the liver and get you drunk pretty much instantly. They prefer you to wait as far out when you are absorbing more. There is also some evidence people have become alcoholics because of this so there is that to be very aware of as you are making a decision to drink. 

HW 312  SW 289.5  Current Weight 135

SURGERY OCTOBER 15, 2013 Toronto Western Hospital - Dr. David Urbach  


Katie M.
on 5/8/14 8:13 pm - Georgetown, Canada
RNY on 10/18/13

I can definitely see how the addiction transfer happens. Good thing I don't like wine! I knew they had changed the rules, I was thinking they'd recommended never drinking but I'm sure that's the purpose of waiting 2 years. By that time you don't care anymore! 

Referral May 2013 / orientation at TWH June 27 / nurse practitioner July 3 / social worker August 19 / nutrition class August 26 / nutritionist August 30 / psychologist September 3 / meet surgeon (Dr. Penner) September 20 / PATTS October 10 / Surgery October 18 2013!  


on 5/8/14 9:23 pm - Brampton, ON, Canada
RNY on 10/15/13

Yes she definitely she said they would hope for us to never drink again.  I've got my NesFruita Lemonade all lined up for my weekends at the trailer this summer as my "Fake Coolers"  I'm good to go!

HW 312  SW 289.5  Current Weight 135

SURGERY OCTOBER 15, 2013 Toronto Western Hospital - Dr. David Urbach  


(deactivated member)
on 5/8/14 8:47 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

Had my first drink after I lost all my weight.  First one was at home and it was a glass of dry red wine.  Some centres allow drinking after 6 months but I didn't want the unwanted calories that come from drinking nor did I want my liver to have to work overtime to process the wine as it was already working hard to process the fat loss.  If you aren't a wine drinker, any hard liquor mixed with water or soda is low calorie.  I recently started drinking vodka and soda water and I keep a Nesfruta coconut pineapple in my purse and put a squirt of that in and it taste like a cooler.  Some centres say no carbonation ever, others say if you can tolerate.  I use lots of ice, take my time so the bubbles are pretty much gone.  Definitely have the first one at home as many get extremely drunk on very little.  I wouldn't even drive after 1 drink as we seem to metabolize it differently post op as well.  Lots say they get drunk really quickly on very little then feel sober really fast too yet are likely still impaired.

on 5/9/14 12:35 am

I love the Coconut/Pineapple mix! If and when I have a drink, it will definitely be involved.


Surgery done by Dr Gmora at St. Joe's in Hamilton. Feb 3/14-- Pre opti weight: 327. Feb 19th --Day of Surgery weight: 308.  Current weight :175




Karen M.
on 5/8/14 11:21 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Unfortunately, this is a very sensitive subject for me that I wont elaborate on at this point, but I will say this:

BEWARE. Your liver is already working triple-time after surgery and please believe me when I say this, you do NOT want issues with your liver. I very nearly died around this time last year.

If you would like liver info I am regretfully a bit of an expert. Please contact me via PM.






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