Dollar store find

on 5/7/14 1:37 am

What type of protein in in the drink?  Is it whey protein isolate or soy protein isolate?  Those are the only two recommended by the Ottawa Weight Mgmt Centre. 



on 5/7/14 8:16 am - Canada

Good question as the can does not say but in retrospect I wish I had looked before I bought it. There is a phone number I will call because I really do depend on my protein drinks.  That was foolish of me not to look into this first

 Respectfully Jane
on 5/7/14 1:38 am

Marios canned chicken chunks has 13g of protein, 250mg sodium, 1g carb, and 1.5g fat per half can. I dont think thats too much sodium, if it is occasional and you need something for on the run



Monica M.
on 5/7/14 3:32 am - Penetanguishene, Canada

Thanks, Reenie. I was in our dollar store just now, they don't have the chicken chunks, but they do have those little chicken salad and cracker combo thing.

on 5/7/14 9:18 pm

yes, Monica, I saw those cracker and tuna and cracker and chicken....mixed with crap,I dont believe they re so good for me, maybe someone else, but not me. I like eating real food that has been altered as little as possible. Now if I had to answer that a year ago I would have gulped it down and looked for more.I love my RNY and most of all RESPECT IT. I got something stuck once due to swallowing before food was properly chewed and I suffered. I try my best to stick to the rules now! All the best to you 


Mary A.
on 5/7/14 5:27 am

just so you are aware your body just eliminates anything more than approx. 24grams of protein, so remember Weider brand is geared towards people who are trying to build muscle and not for bariatric patients...not saying you shouldn't consume it., just remember that because it's high in protein doesn't mean that your body is taking full advantage of that (35 grams)


prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

on 5/7/14 8:19 am - Canada

Thanks Mary it might be the wrong kind of protein anyway..... I should be more careful as I cannot afford those kind of mistakes

 Respectfully Jane
Mary A.
on 5/7/14 10:18 pm

it's a learning process, and we have all made some mistakes along the's about realizing it and going forward.  I remember my bariatric surgeon telling me one simple fact..if it's not created for bariatric people in mind, then I shouldn't bother with it.


prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

on 5/7/14 9:23 pm

Mary, I was aware of this and saw a can of protein shake (weider) in the dieticians office as a sample for us to take note of. So I mentioned it to the dietician, that we can only metabolize 25g at a time. Her educated response was (and she is so very right) Us people who undergo WLS tend to not be able to absorb all that we take in , so it is a good thing to go over on the protein. This is coming from HRRH in Ontario 


(deactivated member)
on 5/7/14 8:44 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

I've bought them before but definitely not that cheap.  It's made with calcium caseinate, which is derived from milk.  It's absorbed more slowly than whey.  My centre approved them.  The ever popular Premier shakes are a mix of proteins including this one.


Which dollar store do you have your in area? We only have Dollarama down here and don't think I have ever seen them in ours.

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