Ultrasound question

on 5/5/14 10:17 pm - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Hey all :) 

So I have my appointment with Dr Glazer the internist  at HRH on June 9th , and im trying to get as much done before then if I can . I have asked my doc for a referral for a sleep study , I already had an ECG , stress test and holter at end of march as I was having palpatations (all came came back totally fine ) so that should cover that (right?) ...so my question is about the U/S ...is that something I ask my doc to do or does DR Glazer order that himself ? If I do ask my doc , what do I ask for ? Its to determine the fat around the liver right ?? Also , is there anything else you guys recommend I can get done or do in order to be on top of things ? 

I am also on my last case of my beloved diet pepsi , then no more !!!!!!!! This is my first thing , then the coffee will be getting the boot .....but that may take a little more doing !!! But its got to be done , if im serious about this ( which I totally am ! ) I need to start now . 

Any info / pepsi support mucho appreciated !!!!

Have a great day all :)) 

Jax x

on 5/5/14 10:31 pm, edited 5/5/14 10:31 pm - Marmora, Canada

Get on a list to have a gastroscope done you can do it through your family Dr so your ahead of the game

the u/s is to check the abdominal cavity and the size of the liver but they can order it and you know they will check everything they need

Mary A.
on 5/6/14 1:45 am

 can't help with the advice of the ultrasound requirements as 5 yrs ago when I had my surgery there weren't all the tests required..not sure if that's because I had my surgery in the USA (or not).


but I wanted to write and say GOOD RIDDANCE to pop!!


..I gave my 1 can of coke habit up 5 months prior to surgery and never looked back...I have to confess that I have had a few swallows of Dr. Pepper in the past 5 years,...but have never had more than that, it's not appealing and when I look at the calories of a large pop at a fast food place like McDonalds I cringe..I mean the calories in a pop, is more than the calories that I consume in an entire meal~!


All the best

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

on 5/6/14 4:39 am - Canada

From personal experience, I'll say, wait til you are told what tests to have. I didn't need an ultrasound, for example.  So why get tests you don't need?  I agree, it's good to be on top of things, tho. Good luck!

on 5/6/14 5:43 am - Peterborough, Canada

I would agree with Shellabella in regards to the tests required.  They are fast to get you into any of the tests that you require.  I need to have a sleep study completed and was booked in within 24 hours to the center the recommend. 

Referral from Family Doctor - November 4/13  |  Orientation date for HRRH - January 9/14  |  1st meeting with surgeon - January 30/14  |  Dietician, Registered Nurse, Social Worker Appointments – Feburary 10/14 | Second Dietician - March 11/14 | Dr Glazer - March 20/14 | Sleep Test - March 24/14 | Sleep Test Results - April 15/14 | 2nd Surgeon Appointment - May 13/14 | PATTS - September 30/14 | Surgery Date - October 21/14

on 5/6/14 5:50 am - Canada

Hi there im 15  days post op. I gave my pop up 2 months before my orientation.  I never had any issue with giving it up.  I only drank diet pop as well.  I know some people never drank diet so it must be hard to give up sll that sugar.  I cant say about the u/s as I went to St Josephs in Toronto and my surgeon Dr Lindsay never requested one for me.  I just had the regular stuff done.  I agree with the other person I would just wait until they tell you what they want done.  Good luck  :-)  Val

on 5/6/14 1:31 pm - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 10/07/14

I'm pre-op but I would only have the sleep study done and only because I think almost everyone has to. Everything else is so different for everyone. I said Good- Bye to diet Pepsi after my orientation session but I am holding on to my coffee until I get a surgery date...lol

Take Care


Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass On October 7,2014 with Dr. Hagen   


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