Debating Bypass Surgery...Have a few questions, Please help! :)

Diminishing Dawn
on 4/30/14 2:56 am - Windsor, Canada

Oh my goodness.  You're so young and I think this would be amazing for you.   It will completely change your whole life.  I wish I was younger when I had it. It would have been incredible.  

Not sure what your bmi is.  If it is close to 60, read about the duodenal switch too.

17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 4/30/14 3:03 am - Canada

My bmi is high, I'm 5'5 and approx 440 it's around 73. 


I have never heard of the duodenal switch, is there a website that you would suggest? I googled it and the results were not informational. 

By the way you look great! Congratulations. :)

Diminishing Dawn
on 4/30/14 4:14 am - Windsor, Canada

17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 4/30/14 5:43 am - Canada

Thank you kindly!

on 4/30/14 6:07 am - Arnprior, Canada

Hi Amanda,

Lets start with your current weight.  Here is one place you don't have to be embarassed.  We were all 'big people' at one point.  You've done the best thing, decided it was time to change.  Where your journey leads now, is up to you.  Everyone can give you suggestions and support, but it's only in your heart that you know what you want/need to do.

Dr. Dent.  He is great.  Great personality and will give you the straight up.  He's not one of the surgeons, but he will give you recomendations based on your medical history, your body shape, and a few other measurements.  Personally, I had 3 options, Go to WW/Jenny Craig etc (Like you, didn't work for me), go on the supervised diet (there are 2 programs, one where you are on Optifast for 3 months, and one you are on Optifast for 6 months - Optifast is a special meal replacement shake) which you pay for parts of it, or go for surgery.  I went for surgery almost 3 years ago, lost 140lbs from it and have been stable for over a year.  My only regret is that I didn't have the courage to do this when I first went to him 8 years before.

That's one question you can ask tomorrow, what the current time line and procedures are (I was 18 months, but I was there when they were changing processes).

My biggest warning is be prepared to wait.  You won't get to decide that you want surgery today, and have it tomorrow.  There is a lot in between and it seems like it's a hurry up and wait situation until you go under the knife.

If you do chose surgery, you will go through a lot of changes.  Not all of them are going to be easy.  But you will get through them.  There is always help out there, wether it's on this site, at your clinic or in a support group (lots around).  As Monica said, you'll get more attention than before.  But you will probably deal with some negative nellies out there too.  We'll be here through the ups and downs if you let us.

Good luck with Dr. Dent tomorrow!



on 4/30/14 6:56 am - Canada

Hey Cathy!

Thank you so much for your reply and congratulations on your success!

Thank you for giving me some information on Dr.Dent and the options available to me. I have also taken down the question you told me I need to ask.

My uncle got this done, started in January and got it done June/July... Hopefully the wait isn't too long! Thank you for the warnin!


I'm prepared to go through these changes and am thankful to have the resources (and this website) to help me through it!

Thank you!



Karen M.
on 4/30/14 7:10 am - Mississauga, Canada

Hi Amanda,

So glad you reached out for support here - so many of us who are or have been in very similar cir****tances. I won't comment on Ottawa or Dr. Dent, as I didn't deal with either, but I will offer you my best piece of advice:

Think this through carefully and take some time doing so. The decision to have surgery is not only life-changing, it is FOR LIFE. Be sure that you are willing to commit yourself 100% to changing everything you know, feel, love and hate about food. Ask as many questions as many times as it takes you to be comfortable in your decision and continue to reach out here - we're here to help. :)

I had RNY surgery 8 years ago starting at 290 pounds. After 8 years I now weigh in at (usually) 120 pounds and very comfortably maintain this through ingrained changes that I made 8 years ago. No regrets here. It truly was the best decision for me. Has it been hard? Hell yes. But well worth the struggle.

Wishing you good health and peace in your decision.





Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 4/30/14 8:30 am - Canada

Thank you very much for your reply Karen!


Congratulations on your success!

Karen M.
on 4/30/14 8:41 am - Mississauga, Canada

Please let me know if I can help you in any way!

K :)



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 4/30/14 9:21 am

Best of luck with your appointment tomorrow, I am 47 and just waiting for my surgery date, having been referred in Feb 2013. Its a long wait  till surgery but for a good reason, helps you to come to terms with the idea and decide if its right for you. One thing I have seen on people's posts is that they wish they had had the surgery sooner. Dont be embarrased about your weight, you have come to the right place and will get support in whatever decision you choose


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