2.5 Year Post Op Update
Hello OH!
It's certainly been a long time. I see some familiar names but loads of new ones. I want to sincerely thank each of you who were positive support and role models during the years I was struggling, both pre and post op, and especially the wonderful friends and family from the Ottawa support groups. Some of you may remember me as Jonathan and perhaps even remember my daughter, Aya, that I would bring along to the meetings. (As it was, challenging to make any meetings as a single father.)
I started my journey back in 2009 and waited a little over 2 years to finally have surgery through the Ottawa Clinic on October 5th, 2011. I'm 6'1" and went from 460lbs down to 230lbs and have been maintaining since, with some fluctuations and weight gains. While I had initial complications for the first few months after surgery, the procedure absolutely changed my life!
I became the father I had always dreamed of becoming. I'm able to take her to the beach, to fairs, amusement parks. My daughter and I go bike riding, ride horses and do absolutely everything a young healthy father and daughter should always be able to do. I've become the crazy, fun dad in the playground, running around or being chased by her friends or lifting them higher on the playground equipment. My house has become playdate-central and Aya is the queen social bee amongst her friends. She always tells me that her friends keep saying they want me as their dad. I have always been proud of her and always loved being her father, but it's another deeper emotion to know when your kid is equally as proud of you.
There are way too many NSVs to even list. My whole lifestyle changed. I bought a boat, jeep and motorcycle for the summers. We go down to the lake or river every weekend and go swimming several times a week. I built out a downstairs gym complete with squat rack, bench, olympic plates, treadmill, punching bags. I still focus on a high protein intake (shakes and supplements) and try my best to maintain a very low carb diet. Over the winter, I signed up with the volunteer fire department where we live. For the past 5 months, my extra time has been dominated by firefighter training, responding to calls and trying to make a difference in our community. None of this would have been possible had it not been for the surgery. I sometimes wake up and think I'm living someone else's life.
I wish I could express how grateful I am to have gone through the procedure and had a second chance for beginning a new life. I don't come by the OH forums too much anymore. Although I will never forget the forever friendships I've forged and the people who helped me achieve this new life.
You're welcome to add me on Facebook. I'm at https://www.facebook.com/jonathanhix if you ever want to catch up or even need words of encouragement.
Hope you all are doing well, wherever you are in your own journey.
RNY Ottawa - 10/05/2011
Congrats on all of your success! Sucn an inspiring story...it is always so nice to hear things like this! Your daughter is very lucky to have such a great Dad and it sounds like you are making her life wonderful! Thank you for sharing...
Referral to Ottawa: Jan/11 Info Session: May/11 Nurse: Feb/12 Dietician/Behavourist/Abdominal Scan: Apr/12 Pre-op Education Class: Feb. 6/13 Meet Surgeon Feb.15/13 Surgery with Dr. Raiche March 12/13!!
The race isn't given to the swift nor the strong, but it's given to the ones who endure it to the end...

Dr. Raiche was awesome! Very nice lady & great surgeon as far as I know, lol.
I know what you mean about making this change when your daughter is young. I have a 4 year (had just turned 3 when I had surgery). The difference in what I can do with her is amazing. I am so looking forward to doing all kinds of things with her as she grows up....to be a good, healthy role model for her. Before surgery, I came home from work & sat on the couch all night due to fatigue & pain. Life is so much better now :)
Referral to Ottawa: Jan/11 Info Session: May/11 Nurse: Feb/12 Dietician/Behavourist/Abdominal Scan: Apr/12 Pre-op Education Class: Feb. 6/13 Meet Surgeon Feb.15/13 Surgery with Dr. Raiche March 12/13!!
The race isn't given to the swift nor the strong, but it's given to the ones who endure it to the end...

Hi Jonathin, It's great to hear stories like yours. I'm almost 3 months out and having a few issues and it's good to read about others experiences and successes. I know that it can be a hard go, but you give me the inspiration to continue on this journey and give myself time to heal - emotionally and physically. Congratulations to you and your family on your achievements. May everyone read your story and be inspired, way to go!!!
Orientation March 13, 2013 / Social Worker June 11 / Nurse Practitioner July 10 / Nutrition class, Blood, ECG Aug. 20 / Surgeon Consult - Dr. Penner Sept. 20 / CT Scan Oct. 10 / Surgeon Consult - Dr. Urbach Oct. 18 / Psychologist Oct. 30 / Nutritionist Oct. 30 / Dr. Urbach Dec. 13 / PAATS Jan. 24 / Surgery February 3, 2014
Hey there. *hugs*
I went through a lot of issues originally too. There was internal bleeding, I was in severe pain and I couldn't keep anything down. I was constantly nauseated and seriously thought I was going to not make it. The doctors had me come in every week to check my hemoglobin levels and told me that if it persisted, that they'd have to go back in. But luckily the bleeding stopped and whatever it was, slight stricture or whatnot, finally eased. I was on liquids for the first half year.
Hang in there. Make sure that if it doesn't feel right to be in constant contact with your clinic. I hope and wish and pray for the best for you.