What are you eating/doing today (Wednesday)

on 4/30/14 12:33 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Wow I think that scares me even more. You are an exercising machine. At my age I could never keep up with you. If you are eating 1200 than sounds like I will be lucky to be able to eat 1000. I have already put the 10 on. If I stick to 1200 or less and no alcohol I am slowly losing it. But I hear year three is harder so I guess I will see how I do. 





on 4/30/14 1:51 am - Toronto, Canada

I don't mean to scare you at all. Sorry about that! But yep, it is much harder this year. I can eat more than I could a year ago. The only time I really account for my exercise with added calories, is when I go over two hours of exercise. I gained 5 pounds from my lowest when I started training for my marathon, and I guess that's because I ate like a marathoner, not like an RNYer. I'm two pounds above goal, and 10 pounds above my lowest. Hoping I don't move from here. 

Something I heard once is that in our 50's and 60's we put on weight to get ready for our 70's plus, as we start losing bits of weight past that age. So maybe way down the road we won't have to worry so much? Also, I have talked to a few vets not on OH who have found after 4 + year that they got into a groove and acceptance of where they ended up. They still watch how they gain and such, but are more relaxed about it. We worry so much because we get to a fabulous number (too low for some) and then the scale moves back up after malabsorption finishes. For those who didn't really watch and change their lives in the beginning find it the hardest because it's more than 10 pounds that is regained by year three. Some even sooner. You are in tune with your body, but know that things change all the time.

Last year I was able to tolerate a pina coloda (yep, full of liquid sugar....a no no for sure). This year it made me sick. We can't predict what will happen in the future, so just stay on track as much as you can now...but try to enjoy life too :-)

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

Onward and

on 4/30/14 12:33 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

I know what you mean. Right now, I can maintain on anything from 1500-2000 calories, depending on my activity levels. Pretty sure that's going to change though, once the malabsorption slows down even further.  Not looking forward to it!  And I will be keeping a sharp eye on the scale and do my best not to get above 180. I hover between 175 and 180 these days - a 5 pound range depending on time of month, at that calorie level.

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 4/30/14 12:50 am

That sounds like "white doves" theory.....I don't buy into all of that....and we are each individuals....what works for her might be totally different then what works for you

Pat....I am 58.....reasonably active but by no means a machine.....I can maintain at 1500 average- some days more calories then this and some days less....but lets say an average of 1500 ......I am losing eating 1000 - 1400 depending on the day and how much extra I add in after posting my eats....( night-time snacking)......

Yes it changed around year 3 - sometimes a little earlier for some people...some seem to get a little more mileage out of their malabsorption......what calories can you eat and maintain?....figure this out......and either strive for that daily....or take a little off to lose......I am down a whole 7 pounds since January.....because I am trying to live and enjoy while losing and not get to obsessive....which I can do...lol.....

Try to find a way to live and enjoy...and find your happy place re calories and weight.....are you happy with 10 pounds more then your lowest?.....likely....so why stress about it......if you are unhappy with the extra 10 then slowly work your way down.....


Try not to worry about whats down the road re the further out you go......you will deal with it as it comes.....and you may find that 4 plus years out you are doing the same and eating the same as you are now.....and still the same weight.....and if not.....then you will figure it out,.....






on 4/30/14 12:56 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

You are right. I tend to obsess about things. It is why I am good at conference planning since I sweat the small things. Always trying to control my environment. LOL SO I will try to lose at least 5 of the 10 then my cloths will feel better. I have lost 2 so far so should be doable. Thanks for your advice





on 4/30/14 12:31 am - Toronto, Canada

Feeling like garbage today. Head is hurting. I'm getting more and more headaches these days. :-( I used to be a migraine sufferer before surgery, and barely had any since. I've had three I think. 

And no planned food...at all. Man it's hard getting back into the groove after a vacation, isn't it? I went to spinning yesterday, and I don't think I can manage it today. Maybe a run tonight.

Just babbling here.

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

Onward and

on 4/30/14 12:38 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

S'okay, that's what this thread is for. :) Hope you're feeling better soon!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


Onward and

on 4/30/14 12:37 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

No planned food on MFP but I did pack stuff - too much of a hurry this morning, and then I find out from some friends at work that we're going out to lunch today. :)

B - 1 egg, fried in 1 tsp oil on 1 slice of toasted P28 bread

S - 1/2 cup ricotta/vanilla/splenda with 1/3 cup of frozen mixed berries, 1/2 a banana sliced, and 1 oz peanuts

L - Hakka Chinese chili chicken with a bit of rice and some green beans.  All bad for me, and I don't care because I do it maybe once a month. I'll make up for it the rest of the day, I promise! (she says desperately)

S - 85g snack tofu by Yin Yang Soyfood if I'm hungry (probably won't be after that lunch, but I sometimes need something around 4 p.m. so I don't starve before dinner)

D - Not sure yet. Something from the freezer, probably.

S - Not sure about this either. Glass of milk maybe?

No totals - no time, just going to watch my portions today.

Have a great day, everyone!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 4/30/14 1:00 am - Toronto, Canada

To comment on the above.. it doesn't take much more than your body requires to see the scale move... a mere 100 calories every day over a year will add 10 lbs. Just food for thought.

Barb, great to see this thread is still a daily thing! Things are good, I am doing a Whole 30 (clean eating and exercise for 30 days) that will end on my 5 year anniversary and then I will be off to BARIX to have them weigh me for the very last time!  I am 3 lbs from my original weight last year, but am confident I will weigh in the same after this month is over.

B - Protein coffee with Carnivor beef protein and almond milk

L - Smoked sliced brisket with tomatoes and half an avocado mixed with a lime chile vinegarette

S - Yoso coconut yogurt - plain

D - Beef short ribs with grilled lemon asparagus

E - I am taking this aft to head to the gym for some fast cardio and then on to Body Blitz to float around.  Tonight I have Infared yoga




on 4/30/14 5:00 am

Great to see that you are doing so well Kathy....its so nice to hear from someone who had surgery when I did......

Its a daily struggle eh?.....but so worth it to feel healthy and full of vitality

All the best






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