Feelings of despair/resentment and anger

on 4/17/14 10:25 am - Canada
RNY on 01/06/12

Hi folks,


I'm 2.5 years post-op. Long story short (ish), I lost my Christmas weight by February but then I started going on dates 2-3 times a week. The dates were always over a glass of wine. While I was smart about food choices and continued exercising, I gained 8lbs in a month. 

So I put on the brakes, and stopped drinking all together and working out harder (doubled up workouts over Spring Break). I have been plagued by post-workout hunger (after I do my bootcamp and weight lifting fitness classes). And ate a lot more calories on those days. I thought I could outsmart that by munching on veggies.

I felt focused and in control and super healthy.


I weighed myself this morning and I have lost half a pound in 2 weeks (In actual fact, I was retaining water my last weigh in, so in reality I probably gained) My jeans are still tight so I know it's not "muscle"

I work out 5 days a week (2 of which are bootcamp)
I eat 1050 calories a day (70ish grams of carbs, 90-120 grams of protein)
I drink plenty of water, get enough rest.

All my friends are going to Edmonton this weekend to celebrate a birthday and I'm not going because 3 days of eating on the road and 2 nights of partying are the last thing I need. So now I'm here feeling sorry for myself.


I don't know what to do! I'm having some pretty dark thoughts.

Any advice would be much appreciated!!

on 4/17/14 1:02 pm - Canada

Are you trying to lose the 8lbs you gained or more?  Have you reached your goal weight yet?  Im just trying to get a clear picture of where you are on your journey.  2.5 yrs post op does not say if you reached goal or are still trying to achieve it.  How much have you lost and how much more do you want to take off.  Can you fill me in on these questions?  :-)   Val

on 4/18/14 2:50 am - Canada
RNY on 01/06/12

I would ideally like to get down to 160 (I'm 177 now), was 167 at my lowest, which was last summer). right now my main focus is shedding what i've gained these last couple of months. I'm 5'8 or 5'9" which is still overweight.

on 4/18/14 3:18 am - Canada

How about trying to go back to the basics.  I would make sure that Iam counting calories for sure and go back to logging your food intake.  What goes in your mouth should be logged.  I use my fittness pal.  Look at the type of calories you are eating as well  are they the most healthy calories for your body or are they ones you can do with out?  Stay the course and follow your plan.  Remember low low fat and low low sugars.  Good luck you got this!  :-)  Val

on 4/17/14 7:53 pm

Hi April

First - you have done great.....got to goal and feeling healthy.....success!

You are at the time frame - 2 to 3 years post op - when things begin to change........its a lot easier to put weight on......and you have to figure out "maintenance".....

I am a firm believer that you cant "exercise" your weight off.....it will all come down to what you eat......exercise is wonderful for wellbeing and health....and will certainly burn some extra calories....however what goes in your mouth is paramount

Are you guessing at your calories or are you logging in to something like myfitnesspal?....I say this because sometimes we underestimate serving sizes or calorie counts of what we consume.....so maybe check this

If you are eating roughly 1000 calories most days and not over eating the other few....then the weight will come off....try and be patient.....it may be slower then before......keep the faith






on 4/18/14 2:56 am - Canada
RNY on 01/06/12

Thanks so much

I have not reached goal unfortutunately. I was at my lowest last summer, 167. I was 170 once I started bootcamp (I have noticed greater definition in arms, legs and glutes, and a great improvement in my cardio endurance) so I wasn't freaking out about those 3lbs. Over Christmas I gained 10lbs, and shed it by mid february. Now I'm at 177 and really frustrated!

I am a loyal MFP user. Simply eating healthy and making good choices is not enough of a guideline for me. I mean, a 1/4 of mixed nuts is healthy, but 330 calories for crying out loud! lol


I eat every 3 hours. And since I'm up longer on weekends and eat different meals, I allow myself 1200-1300. Is that too much? should I stick to 1000 all weeK? Is 1000 too little?


I moved to Alberta and was told the nearest beriatric center won't see me because my surgery wasn't through there. So when I visit Ottawa this summer I'll try and get an appointment. 


I'm just so scared of going back to how I was

on 4/17/14 10:54 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Birdie girl gave you some good advice. I would just like to add that maybe you ihave to remember why you did this journey.

I understand going away with your friends would have been hard but staying home is obviously worse. Go  out and enjoy your life. Do the best you can with meals and enjoy your friends. This is for life. You can't give up your life but need to find a balance.

Good luck





on 4/18/14 2:56 am - Canada
RNY on 01/06/12

Unfortunately that results in weight gain for me!


Thank you for the well wishes.:)

on 4/17/14 11:40 pm

I'm only 2 months out, so please take my advice for what its worth ;)

I have heard many professionals talk about needing to shock your system every once in a while to help with the plateaus. It has something to do with keeping your metabolism guessing. The body gets used to the numbers and adjusts accordingly.

I would definitely call your centre and ask for some input. It may be you need more calories or fat or whatever to shock your body.



Surgery done by Dr Gmora at St. Joe's in Hamilton. Feb 3/14-- Pre opti weight: 327. Feb 19th --Day of Surgery weight: 308.  Current weight :175




on 4/18/14 2:58 am - Canada
RNY on 01/06/12

All advice is valuable:)

I think I do shock my system. Bootcamp 2 days a week, a weight lifting class on Saturday, and then I do my own version of hiit one day, and a walk or something the other. 

I've also changed up my menu now that I have a BBQ.lol

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