Vit D deficiency
I am a year and a half out of surgery.
I was diagnosed with a Vit D deficiency before surgery and was on a supplement well before surgery.
Actually the blood work for the surgery is what triggered my diagnosis.
So I have been taking 50,000 IU a week plus 1200 IU a day.
Until recently that was fine. My most recent bloodwork showed I was still VERY deficient.
So I am not taking an additional 30,000 IU a week.
I've researched the symptoms and issues associated with this deficiency.
I have also had some weird shoulder bone and muscle pain since November.
Anyone else have this issue? If so what have you done to get your levels up?
I've started tanning a couple times a week - to feel better (I say it's light therapy for the crappy winter), and a good way to get my vit D! That's how I rationalize it!
Orientation - April 25, 2012, Nurse - May 16, 2012, Social Worker - May 25, Dietician - May 25, 2012, Abdominal Ultrasound - June 29, 2012, Cardiologist - August 1, 2012 Pre-Surgical Education Class September 19, 2012, Meet with Surgeon September 27, 2012, PATTS November 9, 2012, Surgery Date November 16, 2012 (Dr. Mamazza)

I was diagnosed pre surgery as well but I only have to take 4000 IU and the D that is in my calcium pills(7000 total) daily(nearly 50,000 weekly). I use the drops, my 3 month labs showed a significant increase in my levels the surgeon was impressed. For my joint pain I use glucosamine & msm tablets, I take 2 of those a day and I find they help significantly(again i am not saying it will help your pain and you may want to ask your doctor). I am not sure why exactly your levels are not coming up, but I honestly do not know a lot about it. I do know that my dentist has also seen improvements in my teeth since I have started supplementing (always a plus) Good luck!
living in NW Ontario many of the residents here are Vitamin D deficient...I take a liquid form of Vitamin D (bio-D-Emulsion) and although at times my levels are still a bit low, taking the supplement in things that I drink is convenient and seems to work better (for me) than any type of capsule/pills~!
prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss.
life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!. Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!
surgery done in Duluth, MN