The negative comments one gets whaen waiting for surgery

on 4/18/14 10:16 am
RNY on 03/18/14


    H/W: 312 S/W: 280 C/W: 196 Surgery date: 3/18/2014

on 4/15/14 10:01 am - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

People are a-holes.  I have been told by a 'friend' that it is the lazy way out.  By someone else that they can't believe that the government pays for this surgery.  Don't let it get to you.  

on 4/18/14 9:33 am
RNY on 04/30/14

I work in a hospital & one of the Doctors that I work with said "Why not just exercise?" - LOL - why didn't I think of that?? Some people who have never struggled with their weight just don't understand.  I'm confident in my decision & that's all that really matters:)  Just shut out the negative and do some positive affirmations for yourself each morning before surgery!  "I am making the best decision for me to have a long, happy & full life!":)

Orientation Session:  April 2013  Sleep Study:  July 1/13  Abdominal Ultrasound: July 16/13  Endoscopy: October 23/13  Pre-Surgical Class:  Dec 11/13  Surgeon:  Jan 6/14  PATTS:  April 4/14 Optifast: April 9/14  RNY Surgery: April 30/14

on 4/18/14 10:20 am
RNY on 03/18/14

I can't help but feel as though our concern about what others say, what others think, how others perceive us HAS JUST ADDED TO THE OBESITY ISSUE for each of us. YOU get to win here, YOU get to make the choice, YOU are in control. I hear you I assure you....but you don't need to prove a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. except to yourself.

This is your life, and you are making it better, healthier and YOU ARE THE BOSS OF YOU! Go get it!


    H/W: 312 S/W: 280 C/W: 196 Surgery date: 3/18/2014

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