Looking for someone who went through Guelph
I'm not big on groups and I don't really have time to be on the boards a lot - but I'm wondering if there's someone out there who has gone through Guelph and is post op (I'd prefer someone a year out) who I can email or text with that I can ask questions...I've finished my post op food class and now that I'm waiting to see the surgeon, I have questions I'd like to ask someone before I meet with them. Anyone wanna be a question buddy? I promise not to send you a million questions a day! :)
Referral sent Feb 27, 2013 | Orientation in Guelph May 16, 2013 | First set of appointments August 19, 2013 | pre op food class August | Final sign off on Nut/SW/Nurse Jan 29 | Post Op class April 7, 2014 | Surgery with Dr Jules July 16, 2014 in Guelph
I'm only 2 months (today!!) post op but I can answer what I can if you want to message me too.
HW 277.0 CW 273.0 Asked for Referral February 2013; Orientation @ Guelph May 16th, 2013; First Appointments July 24th; Nutrition Class August 7th; Second Appointments (& cleared) August 29th; Post Op Class December 9th; meet surgeon January 9th; PATTS Jan 14; Opti starts January 21; Surgery February 11th!

Tiffany, Tanya and Vanessa - THANK YOU! I will send you each a message in the next day or two. You're all at different stages so I suppose you'll all have different answers for me. Right now we are dealing with a family crisis and are at Freeport every night but I do promise to get back to you all. I need to take some time for me and I need to be prepared for this next stage. I'm excited and scared at the same time...make sense?
thanks sooo much!
Referral sent Feb 27, 2013 | Orientation in Guelph May 16, 2013 | First set of appointments August 19, 2013 | pre op food class August | Final sign off on Nut/SW/Nurse Jan 29 | Post Op class April 7, 2014 | Surgery with Dr Jules July 16, 2014 in Guelph
I will extend an invitation to you to join the Waterloo/Wellington Gastric Bypass Support Group on Facebook. Just ask to be added and someone will add you. You can get lots of questions answered by many people at once. We also have a meeting on the 4th Sunday of the Month, but you did say you weren't into groups. If you need to speak to someone in person you can contact Sharon Moody @ 519-230-9307.