I'm home!

(deactivated member)
on 4/5/14 12:21 pm

I just returned home from in April 2nd surgery in Guelph. Everything went well except I had to stay in hospital an extra night because I just couldn't get that 4 cups of liquid down. I didn't mind so much though, the extra day of rest was probably a good idea anyways as I felt a lot better today. As an extra bonus, I had the pleasure of spending time with 2 other patients who also has their surgery, although they both went home a day before me. Thanks to everyone's encouragement and support . I am looking forward to my new journey.

on 4/5/14 12:34 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Congrats! heal well :)









on 4/5/14 10:53 pm - Canada

Hi kymmi4

I came home last night too. My surgery was Thursday at st michaels hospital in Toronto. How was your first breakfast? I couldn't get half of mine down. Maybe I will do better at lunch.

good luck with your recovery


on 4/6/14 1:07 am - Brampton, Canada
RNY on 04/02/14

Congrats my twin...I'm so happy to hear all went well for you. I went home on Friday. They were thinking about keeping me an extra day as well because I was not passing gas or having BM. Success Friday morning when I started to pass. My semi private roommate also had the same surgery so we had a lot to talk about too. I truly hope your healing process is easy and I'll be thinking about you.



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