What are you eating/doing today (Sunday)

on 4/5/14 7:15 pm

RNY  5 Years Post Op


Last day of the golf tournament today.....Not going to win....but should be in the money.......but the best news of all is GAME OF THRONES begins tonight......and VEEP....two of my favorite shows


STEPS - well over 10,000


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

    Premier protein shake


S - Dannon light and fit Greek yogurt


L - bunless hamburger with tomato and pickle


S - Smuckers uncrustables P/B and Jelly


D - 4 oz pork tenderloin

     3/4 cup of mixed veggies

    few bites of green salad


S - 2 Michelob ultra after golf and during the party...3 hours


S - Skinny Cow fudgesicle


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,362,  Carbs - 108 grams,  Fat - 40 grams,  Protein - 105 grams


All water.....vits

Have a great one  








on 4/5/14 7:53 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

10 Months Post Op

Steps 7864


Good Morning

Barb, enjoy the last day of your tournament and Game of Thrones tonight!

Steps were terrible yesterday! Spent alot of the day doing our taxes. I got out with the dog for a couple walks and did alittle shopping. Today will be better! Going to Costco and I always walk the store twice!

Suppose to be nicer here today, 11 and sunshine (Ihope so).


B- protein coffee, 1/4 cup banana nut steel cut oats w/ splash of skim milk

S- 1/2 pure protein bar

L- Kale salad w/ dressing, 2oz chicken breast

S-other 1/2 of protein bar

D-TVP Chili (thanks Sunny!!!) w/ 1 chipole Charr's Tostada

S- 1/4 cup greek yogurt w/ SF pudding powder (if I need it)


Be well everyone :)








on 4/5/14 8:20 pm, edited 4/5/14 8:21 pm
RNY on 12/05/13

4 Months +

Steps 11021

Hope everyone has a great day. I will be headed to Ottawa to be with my son on his Birthday. This was a surprise up until yesterday as my husband has been working 70-80 hrs a week – he told them he was going to see his son, so off we go.

Fitness Pal is ‘down for maintenance’ so I will log later. I am not sure what I will end up eating but I am not too freaked out. I know what I should be eating now.  It is weird going into a day without having my food planned. Will pack snacks and vits –

Have a great day friends!


Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 4/5/14 8:26 pm

Enjoy your visit......I am sure you will get thru the "eating" part just fine






on 4/5/14 8:36 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Enjoy your visit.







on 4/5/14 10:56 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Sorry about not winning the tournament Barb. Sounds like you will do pretty well.

I went out to see In Living Cover last night. Had lots of coffee to keep me awake. They did not go on until 10:30pm. that is almost my bed time and certainly past my husbands. The music energized me and I would have loved to dance but my husband was too tired from working all day. I was kidding him I need a younger man to keep up.

As I was going to bed I looked at my fitbit. It said just over 300 steps. I thought what the heck I knew i had walked more than that. I then realised I had actually stayed up to another day. LOL

b greek yogurt, granola, raspberries

l chicken in salad, yogurt

s apple

d ham, salad , green beans

s frozen raspberries

cal 930 carb 74.9, prot 65.1

Enjoy the sun everyone





on 4/6/14 12:10 am

Pat that's funny re your fitbit!!.....






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