Alright so I call back my doctors office today as I was told only to be told that they still have not received confirmation from the registry that my referral (2nd one because no one could locate the 1st one from last spring).
Lily (Dr Hagen's) office sounded completely frustrated with them as well as they do not return her phone calls and/or emails which, totally sucks!
In the meantime, I continue to suffer with throwing up almost everyday, and, it's knocking the wind out of me. Yesterday I couldn't even hold water down because now I've become (sorry) constipated to top it all off.
I have sent emails to the registry as well (two of them) and no response. I have called, left messages and no response.
What peeves me is this was a government proposal to ensure things are done correctly, at first inception things ran a lot smoother from what I understand and have been told and now, it's like you have to wait months and months before getting answers. So, what other choice do I have now?
Lily said give it another week, follow up again next week and if she hasn't heard anything then we will try sending it again but, will that really accomplish anything? Poor girl stated that they have a special line where doctor's offices call and even there no one returns her calls.
The bariatric registry really needs help. They are very overwhelmed and I know behind big time. I have a friend I have been trying to help get processed in the registry and its a circle of calls and emails that never seem to get answered or replied too.
Keep on your Dr to send the request more than once if need be and have them follow up every three weeks, you will get there.
Annette 😄
Sorry to hear that you are having a stressful time.
I take it you are still pre-op...How long ago was your referral?? There are more and more people getting referrals. Some people have been waiting since 2012... and still no answers.
I am confused by this: "In the meantime, I continue to suffer with throwing up almost everyday, and, it's knocking the wind out of me. Yesterday I couldn't even hold water down because now I've become (sorry) constipated to top it all off."
I don't understand exactly what it has to do with having a gastric bypass (???) Have I missed something?
If you are constipated, you NEED to take care of it! It can cause serious problems! You need to take "something to clean you out". If you are that "backed up" you are going to have to take something like citra-mag or something (and believe me when I say, Stay near the washroom!!" cuz it works REALLY good! )Using a suppository or an emama will not likely work at this point (If you are backed up really bad)
I speak from experience!! I have ended up in the ER for constipation issues; I didn't know that I was, because I was "going" everyday.
I would suggest you talk to your dr about the vomiting as well. There must be a reason for why this is happening (?)
Good luck and keep us posted
Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!
Life is GREAT!!!
Had my plastic surgery!
Hi Leanne
My apologies
I had my stomach stapled back in the early 90's with absolutely no follow up / educational resources.
I was doing great for about 3 years and then everything haulted. Since then, I have regained all my weight, constantly throw up (eat very little). I had a scope performed and GI Barium test by Dr David Starr last spring who concluded I have narrowing of the canals, pouch has stretched, and that food isn't going in the right place..not sure what that means.
Dr Hagen is to perform a revision surgery to RNY, he has already confirmed this on March 6th.
My family doctor submitted my referral a year ago, they got confirmation but nothing ever came of it and when they look into it, no one gets back to them or, I don't exist.
The second referral was just sent 4 weeks ago but they haven't even recv'd confirmation that it was recv'd and that is a concern. Oh yes, he mentioned something about "strictures" I was too busy crying that I couldn't hear anything he said...ugh, need to pay attention. Crying out of joy as I thought I had become a hopeless case filled with guilt for the weight coming back and still unable to eat and having vomiting issues.
Not sure if that is the info you were looking for.
Thanks so much on the tips for constipation, I really need to get a handle on it.