Pushing the limits

on 3/30/14 3:09 pm

First off, I ask that you don't say anything negative please.

Im 5 months post-op and I've been pushing the limits lately. Eating things that aren't nutritionally wise and not exercising enough. How did you stay motivated? How do you curb cravings? I'm not gaining weight, but I never want to get back to where I started.

on 3/30/14 7:23 pm

This is something you truly have to figure out yourself...


For me.....this was last chance saloon!.....there is nothing left after weight loss surgery.....and there was no re-setting the clock to begin at the beginning....I was scared ****less of screwing this up.....and that alone kept me on the straight and narrow until goal.....

I think you have to dig deep within yourself.....and figure out why you are sabotaging yourself....perhaps schedule an appointment with a therapist.....if you drive and are able....go to some support meetings.....if there are none in your area.....read read read posts on OH...to hopefully give you some motivation

Maybe read your own posts....( I didn't check if you have posted before)...and try to remember your feelings at the beginning,.....why you chose surgery....why such a drastic step....maybe that will remind you of how you felt when you were heavier

Eventually, eating poorly will catch up with you....if you can really maximize the first 6 -9 months it will help you get most of the weight off...its not too late....you can turn this around

I hope some of this helps....get any crap out of the house.....start fresh today......seek a counselor.......find a group......talk to yourself....

All the best and good luck






Onward and

on 3/30/14 9:01 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Can't say it better than Barb just did, and I don't really have any advice to add, but just want to let you know that it eventually happens to most of us - the cravings come back. It's happening for you earlier than it did for me, but it's still the same thing.

Good luck coping with it.  Check with your centre and see whether you can get into some counselling sessions with their psych team - that could help. I know TWH offers cognitive behavioural therapy, but there's a waiting list, so perhaps get your name on the list now if that's your centre.

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


Laurie C.
on 3/30/14 10:40 pm - Collingwood, ON, Canada


I totally agree with the above 2 posters, you will have to look deep within yourself.  Remember it's only a tool and as Barb said a last resort for most of us. 

Stay positive, you can do it.



Surgery:  June 11, 2012--Dr. Starr--Humber


on 3/30/14 11:01 pm

The surgery is no cure :-)

It's a mental struggle for me everyday!  Even now, I can see myself in your comments.

Try to focus on your original reason for having surgery, look at post-op pictures, use anything that might help you get back your original motivation.

If that doesn't work, try to find new motivators ... an outfit, sizing new rings, celebrating a milestone.

Best of luck and I wish only good things for you



      Have learned that I can't measure my journey only by what I've lost.  I've gained health and extra time on this earth ... that is most important

on 3/31/14 4:42 am - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

I hear you ... and feel your frustration. You are not alone--- before reading your post, I posted something similar on "What are you eating today?" I'm just over 6 months post-op and I'm struggling with past bad habits -- more "head hunger" than actual hunger. If you could hear the conversations that go on in my head-- they are exhausting! Sometimes I win, sometimes my head hunger wins.  Everyone's responses to your post seem like sound advice. I feel lucky that people with more experience are here to guide the newbies. As one of the posts suggested--I've put my name on the list for CBT. I'm too old to screw up. WLS was my last stop to heathyville and I'm not going to let my internal dialogue ruin this amazing opportunity.

I wish you all the best --- this just a bump on the path towards a good health.





























































































































































































































































































Mary A.
on 4/1/14 2:44 am

you have been given a tool, that habits and bad eating patterns are only under your control so when yo start straying try to realize this.

that is why you often hear about people gaining back 30, 5olbs or even all of their weight, they just thought the surgery would do it ALL for them and it doesn't.


All 5 years post-op...I struggle almost daily...but for the most part I keep myself in check, do I have the occasional donut..yes maybe once a month, potato chips, yes maybe once a month, but in a portion container), because I know if I slip back to having the bag of chips at my side I will show them NO mercy and who will end up suffering...plain and SIMPLE  (ME)!!!

Failure is a choice and at 5 years post-op I am still determined NOT  to fail~!




prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

on 4/1/14 2:57 am, edited 4/1/14 2:58 am - Canada

Still have to remember you are on a "diet" - only this time it actually works. "Diet" isn't a bad word - your diet is what you eat to maintain your activity.

I struggle with hunger when I don't keep my water up - if you are hungry, have a glass of cold water and wait 5 minutes, it goes away. Better yet, go back to sipping all the time - EXCEPT for right before and after meals. Remember PROTEIN! Although I WANT to eat the salad, it fills me up too quickly and then I am hungry an hour later. Eat your protein first - as "unwet" as possible (sauces are the debbil) - and then your veggies. Save veggies for snacks.

Finally, as someone said "sometimes the head wins". Eat it, feel guilty, get past it and back to business. Problem is, when you eat the sweet, it makes you crave it. A good 5 day sugar withdrawal - eat as much as you can on a low carb high protein plan and the cravings will subside. Atkins wasn't all wrong, he just got a little side-tracked by bacon.


Referral St. Joe's, Hamilton - Surgery May 28, 013 


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