What are you eating/doing today (Sunday)

on 3/29/14 8:35 pm

RNY  4 Years 11 Months Post Op


Mini golf tournament this afternoon......housework this morning.....almost slept around the clock last night.....10 1/2 hours of needed sleep


STEPS - 12,375


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

    Premier protein shake


S - 1 ham cheese pickle roll up


L - 2 egg omelet with mixed peppers and cheese


S - smuckers crustables  P/B and Jelly


D - hamburger with all the fixings - no bun

   glass of merlot


S - Skinny cow fudgesicle


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,251,  Carbs - 66 grams,  Fat - 44 Grams,  Protein - 104 grams


All water and vits

Have a great one  






on 3/29/14 11:06 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning Barb. Glad you got some sleep. Retirement seems to agree with you.

Your skinny cow fudgicle sounded so good I looked for it. Unfortunately it has all the dreaded gums I can't tolerate. I have bought a machine for making ice cream from frozen fruit. A definite impulse buy.

My stuffed peppers turned out yesterday. The peppers I used were a little thick so could have used a little more cooking. I was right and could only eat 1/2. I have frozen some 1/2's for lunches. I also make a zucchini and cottage cheese dish with fresh basil. It turned out pretty good as well. So I have some new meals for lunch.

The sun keeps trying to come out so off for a long walk this morning. Cut yesterdays short. The cold wind was just too much. So only 9600 steps

b greek yogurt, granola, raspberries

l cottage cheese, zucchini dish , yogurt

s protein shake with skim milk

d chicken (metro has buy one get one free) cauliflower, salad

s melba toast laughing cow

cal 982, carb 76, prot 101





on 3/30/14 12:01 am

Your zucchini and cottage cheese dish sounds interesting....is it hot or cold....stuffed peppers sound great too...don't know why I haven't made some






on 3/30/14 12:11 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Cottage cheese is hot. You cook the zucchini for 1minute before to soften then layer it with cottage cheese and parmesan





on 3/30/14 12:55 am - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

Sounds good ... definitely going to try it!





























































































































































































































































































on 3/30/14 12:41 am, edited 3/30/14 12:44 am

I am pre-op

Errands to run this morning and afternoon, including cycling at the gym and the nice warm sauna.  Can't believe we got more snow last night - yuk!!!  Feels like winter will never end doesn't it? Picking up some milk so I can make my protein pudding, it will be butterscotch no sugar added fat free.  Should be good, as it works well mixed into the pre-made cups.  Also going to pick up more almond breeze chocolate unsweetened to make more protein hot chocolate.  Will pick up some plain too so I can try the same but adding the chai sf davinci syrup I bought a few weeks ago.  Also bought peach and blueberry flavour in preparation for the opti in the next few months.  Have not tried those yet.

Brunch - low carb high protein toast with peanut butter, apple

snack  - 2 babybell cheese and while shopping

D - mushroom turkey something...I have garlic mushrooms I made in the crock 2 days ago that need to be used up

S - protein pudding

Drinks: protein sf hot chocolate, protein chai, grape Dasani

Friday was not a good eating day for me at all so I am really trying to get back on track. It is soooo hard once I have a trigger food like chips...I just want them for days afterward. Ahhh!


Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

on 3/30/14 4:57 am - Peterborough, Canada

I just want to commend you for making changes now. It will help you be successful in the long run. As barb says when you fall off the wagon get back on the horse and it looks like you are doing that. Good for you. Wishing you continued success. 


on 3/30/14 9:27 am

Thank you for your kinds words, I really appreciate it.  Today went as planned except for dinner I had rotisserie chicken, wedge fries, and potato salad. Sigh - and my plan looked so nice and neat too.  I know what happened too, I waited too long to eat after working out and got crazy hungry.  I had to eat right away as I was feeling sick, and look at that, a rotisserie chicken meal is right in front of me at the deli counter.  It was game over at that point - those wedge fries are a big weakness for me.  On a more positive note, I did 8miles of cycling at the gym.  yay!  I totally agree with you that it is so important to get back on track and never give up. I am worried about not having food to comfort me after surgery, and am working on other means of comfort like meditation and writing. 

on 3/30/14 11:07 pm - Peterborough, Canada

It is a never ending battle. Maybe take some beef jerky or a small pack of almonds to have after your workout. If I need a snack it has to be protein.  Food takes on a new meaning after surgery. I miss some of the old things like diet coke bu****er is so much better for me. Keep up the amazing changes and workouts. You are definitely going to rock this when you have your surgery.  


on 3/31/14 8:55 am

Thank you for the snack tips and your words or encouragement too. It really helps to hear I am on the right track.  I love almonds but have not found a jerky that I like as of yet. Another favourite snack is funcheez, which are little cheese shapes - I am totally addicted to them :0)

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