Stuck in Neutral in Kingston

(deactivated member)
on 3/27/14 4:38 am - Canada

Since November when I saw the Social Worker, the only appointment i have had is the sleep study.  While I am grateful to have that done and over with, I have not had the abdominal ultrasound or the endoscopy.  The Social worker has referred me to the Psychologist, however, at that time (November) the psychologist hadnt started yet at Hotel Dieu.  I was supposed to have a follow up Social Worker appt on march 20, however he phoned me on that date and said there was no point as he wasnt to review the findings of the psychologist who I have not as yet had the appointment yet.  He did advise me there is a backlog wait for the psychologist.  I was told I wouldnt have any other tests until I saw the psychologist.  I am so frustrated!  I know it takes time, but I believe they could at least schedule the other tests, especially the endoscopy which is going to be in Ottawa, before the psychologist test.  I just feel this is holding me up for extra months of wait time.  Is anyone else going thru Kingston having the same issue waiting for the psychologist?


on 3/27/14 4:43 am
RNY on 12/05/13

Unfortunately the appointments take time.  My time line is below:

Dr's Ref - Aug 9/12; Orient - Feb 27/13; NP - Mar 19; SW Mar 21 NUT Mar 22; Sleep Test Apr 11; 2nd NUT Apr 23; Sleep Ed Apr 24; 2nd Sleep Ed May 1; Ab Ultra Sound Apr 29; 3rd NUT Jun 7; Sleep Dr Jun 18; SW 3rd July 23, scope July30; Nurse Aug 13, Pre-Op Class Oct 16, Meet Surgeon: Oct 22, Pre-admission: Dec 2;Surgery:Dec 5/13

As unpleasant as it is to wait it's all part of the journey.

Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


(deactivated member)
on 3/27/14 4:46 am - Canada

Did you have your scope done in Ottawa Jo?  And if so, do you remember if they gave you much lead time?  I will need to arrange for time off as well as a ride, just really wish i knew when its going to be!

on 3/27/14 6:36 am
RNY on 12/05/13

I had my scope done in Napanee. I believe I had two weeks notice of the appointment.


Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 3/27/14 6:54 am

Personally, I went ahead with setting up my own appointments via my family doctor. He was the one *****commended the surgery and knowing what tests I needed, he put in the requisitions for both the sleep apnea test and gastroscopy. 


This was helpful for me as I was then able to get copies of the results from him to bring with me to my internist appointment. Definitely helped the process. 


Not sure if this might work for you??

on 3/27/14 7:39 am

I would follow up and see if there are any cancellations in the meantime - maybe you can get in to see the psychologist sooner?  Does it have to be their psychologist?  If not, maybe they could recommend another who has a shorter backlog?  Best of luck to you - I hear you about this process being an emotional rollercoaster.  Best of luck to you and I hope things start moving again for you soon.

(deactivated member)
on 3/28/14 1:03 am - Canada

Unfortunately, it has to be their psychologist.  I overcame bulimia over 3 years ago.  I went thru the Eating Disorders Clinic at Hotel Dieu (which they have record of) and was very successful in completing this program.  I also saw a private psychologist during this time period, in fact for close to a year.  It seems redundant to me to see their psychologist and I really feel the social worker is holding me back from progressing.  I have expressed this to the nurse coordinator at the bariatric centre but she was like, yes, it might hold you back a month or two, but we want to feel like you are really ready for the surgery. Its really frustrating, and makes it hard not to binge eat (though I dont dare tell the social worker that...we probably cause more delays!)


on 3/28/14 6:20 am

My process was delayed by 3 months due to my blood results so I know it sucks. I would call and ask if there is a cancellation list.  If there is not then call a few times a week to see if there are any cancellations.  Good luck!

on 3/27/14 8:39 am

I am through Kingston too and its a very long wait although I didn't have to see a psychologist. I had my scope in Ottawa (Kingston referred) as the wait times in Kingston are too long. It was done within a few weeks of the referral for the scope.

I am still waiting for my surgery appointment in Ottawa - my referral went in, in Feb 2013 :(


on 3/28/14 12:55 am - Newmarket, Canada

If it were me, I would go to my family dr and get him/her to order these tests!! I would also recommend having a bone density test/scan. I didn't realize that I should have had one before surgery until at my 3yr follow-up, the nurse asked me where that test result was. I told her that I never had one. She was shocked to hear that and told me that I needed to get one done!! I waited for 6months for that appt. (She ordered it thru TWH and that was their wait time; I may have been able to get it done somewhere else sooner).


BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


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