Loosing wieght on opti

on 3/26/14 10:52 pm

Hi!  My name is Alicia and I am currently in the process of trying to get approval for bariatric surgery.  This support system has been very informative, but I still don't understand quite a few things.  Would you mind telling me what Opti is?



on 3/27/14 12:04 am - Arnprior, Canada

Hi Alicia, Opti is short for Optifast.  It is a liquid diet that the Weight Loss Centres (WLC) put us on before surgery.  The purpose of doing this is to shrink our livers so that they have more room in our guts to move around when they do the actual surgery.  For some the side effect is losing lots of weight, for some they find that they didn't lose any at all (even with following the rules they are given).  In Canada, there are 2 flavors, Chocolate and Vanilla and are only available by prescription through your clinic.  You need to drink 4 shakes per day, and the duration depends on how much weight you need to lose.  Some do this for 2 weeks, some for 3 and some for even longer. The surgeon decides how long you need to go on this diet.

Good luck on your journey.



on 3/26/14 11:23 pm

Yes ditch the scale!!

I did opti for 3 wks and I lost 25 lbs, more near the end though...

    Referred September 2012, HHRH Orientation December 2012, Meet with surgeon January 2013, Meet with and testing with Dr Glazer May 2013, PATTS July 4, 2013 - 325lbs, Surgery HRRH August 1st, 2013 - 299lbs, second surgery late August 2nd to drain fluid, Discharged August 5th - 294lbs, reached 1/2 way to goal at 16 wks, MOM of three kids, married for 13 years :)



on 3/28/14 12:40 am - Newmarket, Canada

The optifast stage isn't for the purpose of losing weight anyways, losing weight is just a bonus! 

The purpose of opti is to shrink your liver to make it easier to move during surgery, so they can get to your stomach and do what they need to do. 


Good luck on the opti :)

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 4/8/14 7:57 am - Canada

I am starting week 3 of my opti today I have lost16lbs.  My daughter was on it for 4 weeks and her total weight loss was 30 something.  Some people lose and some not much.  The purpoes of opti is to shrink your liver.  This is what I have been told.

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