Loosing wieght on opti

(deactivated member)
on 3/26/14 12:50 pm

As of today, I have been on opti for one week. No cheating, just opti. I have to be honest, I had a hard time this morning with my 5 pound wieght loss. I tell myself not to focus on the number, I know I am doing everything I should be and there isn't a thing I could do better. I just couldn't help feeling disappointed. I guess I fiqure I've been starving for. Whole week ,I should be loosing lots. Did anyone else feel thing way? How much did you lose on opti fast?

(deactivated member)
on 3/26/14 12:57 pm

Ugh"."and I spelled weight wrong!


on 3/26/14 1:45 pm
RNY on 04/30/14

Maybe your body isn't letting you lose too much because it thinks it's in starvation?  Maybe you'll lose more next week?  I don't start optifast until April 9th - eek!  How did you make out with the first week?  Any tips?


Orientation Session:  April 2013  Sleep Study:  July 1/13  Abdominal Ultrasound: July 16/13  Endoscopy: October 23/13  Pre-Surgical Class:  Dec 11/13  Surgeon:  Jan 6/14  PATTS:  April 4/14 Optifast: April 9/14  RNY Surgery: April 30/14

(deactivated member)
on 3/26/14 10:02 pm

My first week has been ok, other than my over expectations of huge weight loss. Which I also think that is mostly fat and not the muscle that we usually loose while dieting. I did find my energy levels were very low the first couple days, I went the bed much earlier than usual. I also had headaches as well. I haven't had any food cravings but I do get really hungry between meals. One night I felt so hungry I told my husband I would even eat meat, I haven't eaten meat in 9 years! I also  have a fear that I'm going to pop something in my mouth by accident while cooking or making lunches.  Overall things are good, There is something refreshing about not worrying about what im going to eat or what to make for lunch.  For once I feel like food isn't in control over me, I'm in full control!

on 3/26/14 2:06 pm - maple, Canada

Yes I was the  same also don 't stress as on focus on what is to come next .. 


My surgery date is January 20th at TWH  Dr Penner -



(deactivated member)
on 3/26/14 9:47 pm

Thank you Deemags, the scale goes away today! I am feeling great in my clothing, fitting into things from the back of my closet. I'm going to just enjoy that :)

on 3/26/14 10:43 pm - maple, Canada

Yes put it away I was going on it Everyday after my surgery and it got to the point I got so upset if the scale never moved .

I decided to put it away & I go by my clothes that is the best feeling when your pants are falling off and your tops look like u are wearing do one else clothes ... 60lbs down I would never have thought it would happen so fast ..  








My surgery date is January 20th at TWH  Dr Penner -



on 3/26/14 8:47 pm

The reason you are disappointed is because you had expectations.  Change your expectations and voilà the disappointment can disappear too.  Be prepared because you will have surgery, do everything the way you should and the scale will not show all your hard work immediately.  Therefore, expect to be pleasantly surprised if you see a lower number on the scale.  If not, it is no big deal.  Your body adjusts at its own rhythm.  Nothing you can do about it except stick with what you have been asked to do with your eating and exercise (at the appropriate time).


Good luck with the rest of Optifast.



(deactivated member)
on 3/26/14 9:44 pm

Thanks for that Judy. My logical brain knows that, it's my old brain that sometimes gets in my way.  This experience actually makes me think of all those times that I get up on a diet ( or should I say, gave up on myself) because I wasn't losing enough, fast enough. Why are we so hard on ourselves? Why is it all or nothing? I think Im going to ignore the scale for a few days. 

on 3/26/14 10:17 pm - Toronto, Canada

My suggestion would be to just pack up the scale altogether.  As Judy pointed out, there's expectation in your head - if you put away the scale altogether and just focus on getting your Opti in and drinking lots of water, who knows how much you'll lose.  I think having a scale will just create obsession to lose weight.  All I want is to lose weight.  No matter how long it takes me - so long as I'm losing, I'm fine with that.  I have yet to get a scale for my apartment - because I've been postponed with my surgery, I've been on and off Opti and am now in the middle of my 4th week of Opti.  Have to have another couple of weeks now because my surgery was postponed yet AGAIN - but I had my pre-op appointment on Tuesday.  I found out how much weight I've lost since early January.  Keeping in mind, i was on OPti for 3 days, then told to get off of it because surgery was postponed, then started back on March 6 and am still currently on - in total...so far...I've lost 44 lbs! I had no expectation I would lose that much - I was hoping maybe 20-25.  I was floored - and had to pick my jaw up off the floor. LOL  My advice - just put the scale away and forget about it and just go about your day with the Opti.  Good luck!

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