day 4 of opti

on 3/21/14 3:03 am

I am a big gigantic sobbing mess right now. I apologize for not returning messages to those who have friended me and sent me private messages. I am in no shape to respond right now. My level of positivity is very low at the moment. This is really really hard and no matter what anyone ever tells you, until you do it for yourself you have no idea what it's like. Last night I almost tossed everything out the window and went out to eat. I don't think that I was hungry but my body and mind are doing some really weird things right now. I'm also way for work and being physically removed from my support people and my family is making things extra tough.

April 1 is not far away but it is taking every ounce of strength, energy and will power to make it there. I do not want to fail.

I hope to return messages ext shortly but right now my brain is melting... here's hoping I'm just at a rough patch...

Kind regards everyone!!! 

referral: October 2012 orientation: January 2013 (Guelph) SW/nurse/NUT: May 6, 2013

nutrition class: May 15, 2013 second SW/nurse/NUT: July 8, 2013 post op diet class Feb 3, 2014

meet surgeon March 13, 2014 (Dr. Pereira-Hong) scheduled surgery April 1, 2014 (Guelph)

on 3/21/14 4:46 am - Arnprior, Canada

I hope that you realize that what you are going through is very normal.  The first day or so is easy, then there are a couple days that are very hard.  Think about it, you have just thrown your body for a loop.  You have gone from getting nutrients from solid food (healthy and not so healthy) to going on a liquid diet.  Your body's wondering what's going on.  I'm guessing you are in ketosis and are having hormone changes as well which will cause emotioan turmoil.  On top of that, you have your old habits and knowledge that you are fighting.  That food must come in a solid form.

Yes, for some people this is relatively easy.  But for some it's a real struggle.  If you keep drinking your shakes on schedule, and drinking water in between as well as suplementing with whatever you are allowed (depends on centre).  You'll have the nutrition you need.  As for getting throuh the next week or so, here's a few tips.

1.  Remember, this is short term. It's hard, but it will be so worth it on April 1st.  And you will be proud of what you have done.  You'll hear "eye on the prize" a lot.  It's true.

2.  Do a count down, either take a callender and cross of each day, and think that's one day closer to your new life, or even cross off each shake, and think it's one shake closer.

You can get through this part of the journey, when you think you can't, remember why you are doing this, and also, take strength from your friends on here.


P.S. There will be a time when you look back at this, and miss parts of it.  I miss the not planning meals part of the shake stage.  I knew what I was eating every day, no thinking involved.


on 3/22/14 12:17 am

thank you Cathy!!!!

the information that you shared really helped me to wrap my mind around why I was having such a hard time


referral: October 2012 orientation: January 2013 (Guelph) SW/nurse/NUT: May 6, 2013

nutrition class: May 15, 2013 second SW/nurse/NUT: July 8, 2013 post op diet class Feb 3, 2014

meet surgeon March 13, 2014 (Dr. Pereira-Hong) scheduled surgery April 1, 2014 (Guelph)

on 3/21/14 8:02 am

I am on day 5 of opti and am in the same boat as you. All I want is to chew food!!!!  I am finding it that my mouth waters just at the thought of food

i have a four year old that doesn't understand and keeps trying to share her food with me!


I am having to do this until my surgery on the 8 th of April 


so I totally understand



   Ref sent March 27th. Orientation June 27th 2013. Nurse Consult Aug 19. Social-worker and nutrition class Sept 3  SLEEP study Sept 3rd  Doctor Consult Sept 27th...canceled, now Nov 11. Social worker (2ndappt) Oct24   Dietitian Oct 24  Physio appt Dec 13  and final windsorappt post op class Dec 19 Surgery April 8th


on 3/21/14 12:48 pm - Brampton, Canada
RNY on 04/02/14

I too really understand what your going through. My surgery is April 2 and 3 weeks of liquid is definately not easy by no means. I'm still cooking all the dishes my family loves but making sure I leave before they eat. What's funny is most days I would get home from work wondering gosh what am I gonna cook I can't stop thinking of all the meals I can prepare. You can do this, your half way there. We are all supporting you.

on 3/21/14 1:09 pm

I'm only on day 1 of Opti. Just want to send my support your way. We're all in the same boat, and dammit, we will not allow that boat to sink!

So, opti-friend, hang in there. In a few days, you can bail me out of my meltdown! I'm right behind you!

on 3/22/14 12:05 am

you guys are all wonderful!!! thank you so much:) 

it seems like after my meltdown yesterday things have turned around! I ended up having a great night, full of energy and even able to go out for a walk... as I write this on the morning of day 5 I still feel good

one day longer, one day stronger!

referral: October 2012 orientation: January 2013 (Guelph) SW/nurse/NUT: May 6, 2013

nutrition class: May 15, 2013 second SW/nurse/NUT: July 8, 2013 post op diet class Feb 3, 2014

meet surgeon March 13, 2014 (Dr. Pereira-Hong) scheduled surgery April 1, 2014 (Guelph)

on 3/22/14 5:27 am - Ottawa, Canada
VSG on 02/03/14

Oh the first few days of Opti are not fun at all! I definitely hear you there! It's TOUGH! But somewhere along the way, your body adjusts. You adapt. And it does get much, much easier. Do what you need to in order to make yourself feel good! Take in a movie (assuming the smell of popcorn won't drive you insane!). Splurge on a GREAT book you've been meaning to read. Take a long, hot bubble bath and soak. Enjoy a sinful afternoon of catching up on your favourite shows. Do what you need to and just think of the reward at the end of this journey. It will all be worth it! 

Rough patches suck; but having a group like this is a wonderful resource and we can help when the going gets tough! Sending hugs as you keep on truckin! 

OTTAWA -- 2011 - Contemplated WLS Feb. 15, 2013 - GP Feb. 20 - lung functioning Feb. 22 - blood work Feb. 27 - Referral April 19 - orientation, bloodwork July 10 - nurse July 23 - rheumatologist (VSG) Sept. 12 - Behaviourist & Dietician Oct. 23 - Echocardiogram Nov. 6 - Pre-surgery Class Nov. 12 - Surgeon Jan 13, 2014 - Optifast (3 wks) Jan. 27 - PATTS Feb. 3, 2014 - Surgery (VSG)
303 Pre-Opti 297 SW 271 GW 170 CW 200 (Feb. 8, 2018 - damn the regain!) VSG with Dr. Yelle

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