Info Session Tomorrow - It's becoming real!

on 3/16/14 9:56 am

Not sure that I have a specific question but I finally have my info session tomorrow at HRRH and I am starting to freak out a bit. I guess it is starting to get real.  In the past two years I have had a stroke, developed severe peripheral neuropathy and the final straw was being diagnosed with Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy 6 months ago and finally being referred for gastric by-pass surgery. At first I wasn't interested until my physician looked at me and said "you're not understanding me, you are at a major risk for another more severe stroke and although the Autonomic Neuropathy can not be cured you need to slow the progression as quickly as is possible or the out come will not be positive"  For the first time in my life I realized that because of my poor diet and obesity I was living on borrowed time. At 46 years old I realized there was a good chance that I would be dead before my 50 birthday so I agreed to the referral. Since the referral I have done major research on the operation and it started to seem like my best opportunity to live long enough to see my daughters graduate from university and start their adult lives out on their own. That was until today when I realized that it gets real tomorrow when I attend my info session.   Now I am having thoughts of being a loser because I cant lose the weight on my own and need surgery to survive....i suppose its my ego kicking in and possibly fear of failing at what appears to be my last chance to get healthy.  I have addiction issues, i was able to stop drinking 19 years ago March 18 when my first daughter was born but i have substituted food for alcohol and I know that the addictive behavior wont disappear because of the surgery and worry that I will go through all this and sabotage myself once again. Sorry for such a long winded, meandering post with no real question.....I guess I am hoping to hear from some folks that have had similar feelings but pushed through them and found success with WLS ?

on 3/16/14 11:41 am
RNY on 04/14/14

Unfortunately I'm on the same side as you, I haven't yet had surgery, so I can't speak to the success of it.  But I can say that every journey begins with a single step and this is definitely a journey and definitely a step in the right direction.  Congratulations!  There are really great people on here who are very supportive and crazy helpful about everything.  Good luck to you.

Orientation Hamilton: July 22, 2013 Ultrasound: December 18, 2013 Bloodwork/ECG: January 29, 2014 Nutritionist/Social Worker/RN: February 12, 2014 Gastroscopy: March 4, 2014 Internist: March 6, 2014 Surgeon: March 13, 2014 (cancelled by clinic) Echocardiogram: March 19, 2014 Rescheduled Surgeon: April 1, 2014 SURGERY: April 14/14

on 3/25/14 9:44 pm

thanks for your reply. Good luck with your Surgery...I hope it brings much success.

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