Gastric Sleeve offered by OHIP?

on 3/16/14 12:15 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Thanks Leanne, I feel sleeve more safe and easier procedure than RNY. What do you think?. No I did not attend orientation yet.


on 3/16/14 12:21 pm - Newmarket, Canada

Well... I think we all have to do what is right for us. 

I had RNY and had Nooo issues! Most people don't. It is like any surgery that can have risks... I have had ALOT of surgeries in my life time. 

We all have to do research!! 


Good luck with what you choose.. 

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 3/16/14 2:02 pm, edited 3/16/14 2:08 pm

Again if you think there are fewer complications from VSG your wrong...there are fewer VSG procedures done but the percentage of complication is the same.  Average weight loss is only 60% of your excess weight as opposed to 80% with RNY

Oknee's just gotta dance
Weight at the start of Optifast 378 T-1 OR Weight 352
Broke the 300 pound Barrier 13-Dec-2009 291.2lbs 01-APR-11 "onederland"
HGBA1C 5.2  d/c from the care of  my Endocrinolgist 09-JUL-10 "diabetes resolved"
10-MAR-11 Extreme Sleep Apnea (dx 2007) resolved-"b-bye CPAP won't miss ya"


on 3/16/14 2:07 pm
Onward and

on 3/20/14 5:32 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

I thought so too, but I was refused a VSG because there was no compelling medical reason to do it instead of RNY. So I got the RNY since self-pay wasn't an option for me, and you know what?  I'm really, really happy that I had the RNY. I've had no complications, and the dumping syndrome I occasionally get keeps me on the straight and narrow better than if I didn't have it.

I'm really happy with my RNY, and I'm telling you this as someone who begged the surgeon to do a VSG.

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 3/16/14 8:03 pm

I am so glad OKNEE indicated that there are also issues with VSG....and its all about the percentages as there are less VSG patients on the boards then you will likely hear more with the RNY.....

Also - many feel they are free to medicate with NSAIDS with the VSG....and that can cause other problems......some surgeons are now strongly recommending no NSAIDS at all with any weight loss surgeries.....

There are potential complications with VSG,  DS and RNY......some specific to the individual surgery...and others to surgery in general......its your own deal with the devil so to speak.......


Saying all of this......if I didn't have GERD.....and less then 100 pounds to lose.....the VSG is an attractive option.....less supplementation re vitamins.....though the jury is still out on that too......but less in general......its worth it to go thru the process and get all of your info......then make your decision and if you need to self pay to get what you will at least be making the decision with your eyes wide open


Good luck






on 3/16/14 11:17 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Thanks birdiegirl. I think in my case sleeve is better however you never know what happen after any surgery.

on 3/16/14 9:50 pm - Ottawa, Canada
VSG on 02/03/14

The info here is pretty much right on. Both the RNY and the VSG are covered by OHIP. Other surgeries (e.g., Lap Band, DS) are not.

However, to qualify for a VSG, there has to be a 'reason' per se. The standard in Ontario for many centres (certainly in Ottawa) is the RNY. To get a VSG, there has to be something in your medical history that necessitates it. Be it adhesions because of prior surgeries, the need to take NSAIDS for another chronic condition (as in my case, with severe psoriatic arthritis), or something like IBD. I would recommend that you attend an orientation and talk to a nurse/doctor at your closest centre to determine what their criteria might be.

I can tell you though the statistics are changing; many centres that perform both RNY and VSG are seeing similar results with both procedures. It's not the 60% for VSG vs. 80% for RNY any longer when you look at long term studies. They're pretty much equivalent. A great number of people on the VSG forums have lost more than 100% of their extra weight. Many are below goal.

I can also tell you that regarding the vitamin regime, at least here in Ottawa, I'm doing the exact same thing that RNY folks are doing. There's no difference whatsoever. At least, not at this stage at 6 weeks out. That may or may not change. To be determined.

As with either surgery, it's just a tool. It is what you make of it. I wish you all the best in determining what's right for you.

OTTAWA -- 2011 - Contemplated WLS Feb. 15, 2013 - GP Feb. 20 - lung functioning Feb. 22 - blood work Feb. 27 - Referral April 19 - orientation, bloodwork July 10 - nurse July 23 - rheumatologist (VSG) Sept. 12 - Behaviourist & Dietician Oct. 23 - Echocardiogram Nov. 6 - Pre-surgery Class Nov. 12 - Surgeon Jan 13, 2014 - Optifast (3 wks) Jan. 27 - PATTS Feb. 3, 2014 - Surgery (VSG)
303 Pre-Opti 297 SW 271 GW 170 CW 200 (Feb. 8, 2018 - damn the regain!) VSG with Dr. Yelle

on 3/16/14 10:04 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Thanks Jiliana, I think I have to attend the orientation and if sleeve still not an option for me. I will take final decision with either sleeve self-pay or RNY.


on 3/17/14 12:30 pm

FYI NSAID dependency is not one of the criteria for VSG although some surgeons are willing to bend the criteria a bit...some surgeons are also willing  to "Decide" intraoperatively to switch to VSG if that is the procedure you really want. ..these are all things you need to discuss with your surgeon

Oknee's just gotta dance
Weight at the start of Optifast 378 T-1 OR Weight 352
Broke the 300 pound Barrier 13-Dec-2009 291.2lbs 01-APR-11 "onederland"
HGBA1C 5.2  d/c from the care of  my Endocrinolgist 09-JUL-10 "diabetes resolved"
10-MAR-11 Extreme Sleep Apnea (dx 2007) resolved-"b-bye CPAP won't miss ya"


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