any suggestions?(long post)

on 3/10/14 10:05 am - Canada
RNY on 07/17/13

first off..that is horrible..i cant believe that they woyldnt take something like no bowel movement for 5 days as serious...12 days ago I was admitted to hrrh because of lower abdominal pain. with some but not normal bowel movement. Ihad an xray which showed inflamation of the bowel. The resident doctor who was in charge of me that they were not going to do a ct scan because more often then not they give false negative for hernias and twisted bowels. He said the only way to make sure was to have a look. I has surgery the following day turns out I had a small internal hernia and damage to my bowel consistant with it looping in and out of the hernia. As soon as i woke up my symptoms like motion sickness and nausea were gone. The resident said they see this often somewhere between 80-100lbs..definately fits the bill..go back and demand better care! good luck

on 3/10/14 1:39 pm - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

that is my fear... i think everything is twisted up inside and by the time they find it, it will be too late. what irritated me even more is when that doc told me it was impossible it would be a hernia since it didn't show up on the CT scan. i know that's false because i did my research and to the contrary, they are really hard to see on the scan. i don't know for sure i have a hernia. it could be nothing at all but until it's proven otherwise, i still worry that i have it as all my symptoms point to it.

on 3/10/14 9:57 pm - Canada
RNY on 07/17/13

my doctor was in denial in the beginning. I told him i had lower abdominal pain..squeezing pain at least once a day in the same spot. i pointed it out and he sent me for and ultrasound of gallbladder and kidneys. he wanted a scope which i cancelled and hadnt yet rescheduled when my symptons went from tolerable to all i could do to not fall over. I went from running 60miles in barely getting out of bed by mid February. Huynh still wasnt totally convinced it was the hernia causing the symptoms and still wanted to scope the next day if I didnt feel well. I have felt better since I opened my eyes in recovery. I would run and go back to boxing right mow if I could. I know I have to wait though. Hernia repair is pretty painful but much less so then dealing with the pre surgery. Hopefully you get answers. When is your doctor back from vacation?

on 3/11/14 4:36 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

He should be back later on this month is what the nurse said. I have an appointment for the 25 or the 28 of March, I'd have to check. I have been going to the Y for a few months now and have two hr workouts. Prior to two weeks ago, i wasn't having any pain in my tummy with exercise besides the usual fatigue after.  Then I did start to feel a lot of pain while tread milling and feel very nauseous. The pain would get worse after exercise and at night when I'm trying to settle down. I thought I was over doing it at first and my muscles where not used to exercise but it got worse. But having been going to the gym for a few months, i shouldn't be feeling like this never mind having pain and nausea with food.

on 3/12/14 4:04 am - Canada
RNY on 07/17/13

no you shouldnt. let us know how it turns out!

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