any suggestions?(long post)

on 3/9/14 11:13 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

Thanks. It doesn't sound normal and I agree. The doc told me to force myself to eat through the pain as well. So I got home and I "manned" up and tried some chilli. I was nauseous and had pain for the next 3 hrs at least. Fast forward to dinner, I tried some chicken, it was really soft and mushrooms, now the pain and nausea are unbearable. I know for sure it's not normal and I know I'm not going to put up with it no matter how much they think i'm a nag.


on 3/9/14 10:43 am - Denver, CO
VSG on 12/18/13

What about gall bladder? I do not know your story, as I followed this post from the home page, so I apologize if this issue has already been addressed. Good luck to you, and I hope you feel better soon!

Rhiannon VSG 12/18/13 ~ Mo 1 -35lbs ~ Mo 2 -15lbs ~ Mo 3 -13lbs ~ Mo 4 -8lbs ~ Mo 5 -9lbs ~ Mo 6 -6lbs ~ Mo 7 -8lbs


If we all liked the same things, what fun would life be?

on 3/9/14 11:16 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

I got checked for my gallbladder twice and it came back negative. Although i had an MRI show gall stones, the surgeon was sure it was sludge and no stones. When he did the follow up U/S, it was a negative for stones. I'm beyond guessing as to what could be the problem right now.

on 3/9/14 1:20 pm - Canada

I feel awful for you.  I think that as Canadian's, we often forget that the doctor works for us.  Our taxes pay for our medical care.  You are buying care, and that doctor did not give you good care.  Tomorrow is Monday, maybe that will help because there will be other staff at the centre.  You require medical care and you shouldn't be made to feel worse by the person who is supposed to help you.  My daughter suffered from bowel obstructions a few times due to scar tissue left from lymphoma.  It is extremely urgent that it's taken care of right away.  The pain she would be in was awful and luckily each time it resolved itself after morphine, IV fluids and a few days in the hospital.  If you can't even pass air, something is wrong.  I really hope that you're feeling better.  Please keep us updated.


Referral Sept/13, changed centres to HRRH - Orientation Mar 24/14.  Feb 5, 2015 - SURGERY!!!! HW 286.4 SW 264


on 3/9/14 2:08 pm - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

Thanks for your support. I'm usually a farter as well and am a bit concerned that I have to bear down to force a fart out, lol. Wouldn't an obstruction have showed up in the CT though, even constipation? 

on 3/9/14 2:38 pm
RNY on 03/20/14

Write a letter to the Patient Relations dept at that hospital. You may also want to think about writing a letter to the College Of Physicians and Surgeons about this man's conduct. Don't delay, get another opinion. Bowel obstructions are nothing to mess with and it is possible. Call first thing int he am or better yet, call an ambulance and go in that way if you are still in a great deal of pain. Best of luck to you.

on 3/10/14 1:44 am - Canada

Yes, the CT would show if there is a blockage, or if there is stool in the small bowel - stool forms in the large bowel, so if it's in the small one, then there's a problem somewhere.  If you can fart, even though it's difficult, then you know you don't have a complete blockage.  You can have a partial, and sometimes things just twist and then work themselves out.  For my daughter, if she doesn't drink enough, that's when she gets in trouble.

I hope you're feeling better today!


Referral Sept/13, changed centres to HRRH - Orientation Mar 24/14.  Feb 5, 2015 - SURGERY!!!! HW 286.4 SW 264


on 3/9/14 10:32 pm, edited 3/9/14 10:33 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

Checking up on you. If there has been no improvement, please get yourself back to the hospital.  I agree with the other poster, call an ambulance --- it will get you the attention needed and most likely there will be different doctors on duty. Please update us on how you are feeling.





























































































































































































































































































on 3/10/14 1:08 am - TORONTO, Canada
RNY on 06/26/12

Hi Hun,

I had the same issue for while. I was telling them that I have stomach pain that usually followed with vomiting. On November 13 2014, I had the worse of the worse pain that I couldn’t seat and walk so I end up in the emergency.

After 4 hours explaining to this Dr’s that I have a pain that it killing me that I can’t breathe or seat, they decided to perform a ct scan that actually thanks to God that showed the actual intussusceptions of intestine and bowel.

A week later my surgeon requests another CT SCAN which didn’t show anything but because of the severity of the first Ct scan he decided to do a repair. He told me that he actually never seeing one before that he had heard of it.

So on December 17 2013, I was operated and had to stay in hospital for 5 days. Since then I have some pains but not a several and still vomiting but not worse as before.

Do I believe that it gone? Maybe yes 80%.

I’m saying this to you because if you need to go to emergency more 15 times , go for it until they find out what’s wrong with you because they don’t realize how this operation impact us at all.

And one in 20 surgeons will believe you and give you time AND ACTUALLY HELP!

You take care of yourself and stay blessed Hun :) don't lose hope


on 3/10/14 1:45 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

Thanks all for your kind responses. Am still feeling bad but not any worse. I called the bariatric centre today and I told the nurse how I felt I was treated and not taken seriously. She was like but the doc admitted you. I responded being admitted doesn't mean I got good care and that I was still in pain. She told me that she will read the doc's assessment and can only go by what the doc said and if i need to, go back to the ER. I told her i'm not going back and i'm definitely not seeing the same doc. She said well i'm sorry that happened and you don't have to see the same doc as there are two other bariatric docs that can see you if you want and if you still feel think things are twisted up inside. I declined her offer for now just made her aware of how upset and disappointed I was and that I was going to submit a letter of complaint. She said to go ahead and do  that and she will put the letter in my file and gave me the number for the patient relations co-ordinator at the hospital whom I called and left a message. Will keep you guys updated after I get hold of the relations person.

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