any suggestions?(long post)

on 3/9/14 5:14 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

After not feeling well for the last two weeks and barely making 200-300 cals a day, I finally gave in and went the hospital per the orders of my bariatric clinic. The ER doc and the general surgeon were great and attentive and took all my symptoms into consideration. I got hooked up and was admitted again for nausea and pain. The surgeon who performed my surgery is on vacation, another bariatric surgeon covering for him was assigned to me. Mind you, he didn't come to see me until two days after my admission. They had me on a continuos pantoprazol drip (it's a ppi) along with morphine and gravol and I was still feeling crappy. When the covering bariatric surgeon finally showed up, he was abrupt and bordering on being rude. He barely examined me and was very dismissive on everything I asked. There was no reason I would go from feeling good and exercising to barely eating, sharp abdominal pain and not feeling well. I asked him if there was a possibility that I had a hernia. He told me it was impossible since it didn't show up on the CT plus, they only see hernias in people who've lost 84+ lbs(mind you I've lost 114lbs) if he bothered to check my chart. I don't know if he thought I was in the hospital for the drugs or attention but, that's the feeling I got from him. Seriously, who'd want to get cooped up in a stuffy room with an old lady for a roomy who coughs, farts and poops all day? He then went on to say he didn't think another scope was necessary as I'd already had two. That in his 8yrs as a bariatric surgeon it was unheard of to have two scopes within four months after surgery. Well obviously einstein, those were necessary as the first one showed ulcers and the second one was a follow up and it still showed micro ulcers. Besides I never wanted to get scoped the first time nor the second time, why would I want the third especially when I didn't request it. He totally dismissed my concerns and the fact I wasn't passing gas or pooping for the last 5 days despite me trying to tell him that this was not the norm for me and I haven't had any BR troubles since my surgery. My tummy was grumbling and air was just floating in there, not matter how much I tried no gas or poop was getting out. He told me that the pain, I have to live with and tummy's grumble all the time. I had to force myself through the pain and eat more, WTF!!!. Once I saw I wasn't going anywhere with this guy, I just shut down and didn't pay attention to what else he had to say. I almost walked out but, I was in so much pain plus, I didn't want to be seen as non compliant and leaving against medical advise. I just felt my whole ordeal was not treated well and I do intend to write a letter to the hospital complaining about how I was treated, just need to find the right wording without getting too emotional. My centre always tells us if something feels wrong, better safe than sorry and get it checked out as there was a young lady who ignored her pain and she died. But if I'm going to be dismissed when i have concerns, whats the point? I just got discharged today and I feel the same way as the day I went in. I don't ever exaggerate my symptoms and it really puzzled me the way he responded to me. On discharge he wanted to be buddy buddy and asked me if i had concerns and if i wanted any pain meds. I just said no to both as i was ready to get out of there. any suggestions on how to handle this situation?

on 3/9/14 7:13 am - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

All I can say is wow... I really hope you get some answers and you feel better soon. I would be writing a letter of complaint for sure.

Take care.







on 3/9/14 7:40 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

Wow, I know. I was in shock too. It was out of Guelph too and I never thought I'd be punished for trying to lose weight. Oh I'll be sending a letter for sure. I already called the director for 5w and left a message. Thanks

on 3/9/14 8:48 am - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Good for you! Don't let it go until you are satisfied.

I really hope it wasn't the same surgeon that did my RNY.

Take care :)








on 3/9/14 9:45 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

I wasn't gonna say but... I'm sure he's good but,  i wasn't the recipient of his good services.

on 3/9/14 7:29 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I found that one surgeon will not deal with another surgeons patient. I had this problem at TWH. If you are still in pain and can't eat you need to get help. Tell your centre you want to see someone else as you were not satisfied with the treatment you received and want another opinion. It is important you find a solution





on 3/9/14 8:11 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

At this point I'm just upset with everyone at the centre and I don't want to  deal with anyone at this point or else i'll regret what I have to say. When I've calmed down i'll definitely say something. I just feel let down by the whole system. Although I don't regret the surgery and the weight loss, I do regret the complications.

on 3/9/14 9:38 am - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

This may sound a bit out there...what if you go to another hospitalwhere they perform WLS like in Toronto (TWH or Humber), or whatever is closer to you, to get another opinion. I just don't want you to go without care. I really hope you get this resolved.





























































































































































































































































































on 3/9/14 9:48 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

I cringe when i have to drive the 30 mins from kitchener to guelph. If push comes to shove and i need a second opinion, i will drive that hr and a half to take of me. Thanks for the advise.

on 3/9/14 10:34 am

Sorry to hear about your experience and your pain.  I would plan to go to the next closest centre as soon as possible.  It does not sound normal and you need help. 

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