Sad and True...a tale of a trip south

on 3/6/14 7:33 am - Hamilton, Canada
RNY on 05/26/14

Hi all,

Just got back from my trip to Dominican Republic.  While the weather was good, the rest of the trip was adventurous to say the see as many of you have likely noticed the resorts really don't fit into a large persons realm.  From the soft beds that crackled and sprung as I put my weight on them to the pool loungers that...well...let's just say I felt like an animal on display.  It was like I could hear the angst and gasp as I lowered into the plastic chair and while it began to spring and make unusual sounds all I could do is pray that the load test it was about to face would handle the 400lbs that I was pushing it too.  Luckily they there must be a greater power.  Then came the time to get out of it...I would seize the best window of know the one when people from surrounding chairs were swimming or getting drinks.  I would slowly slide towards the front holding my breath and praying once again that the sucker held just one more time.  I would grab the support pole of the cabana and with one fluid motion I would rise up from that beach chair like I owned the world.  Now I would head to the pool...wait just a minute...did I just say take off my shirt for the world to see?  Not a chance, I guess I will just go and grab everyone a drink.  I was the best server for drink runs last week.  Of course I was, that would give me time away from the pool area...less time for the people I was with to ask why I was not swimming in such a lovely pool in hot weather.  But I would have the last laugh, cause the resorts are known for generous buffets!!! Buffets!!!  Heaven!!!...wait just a mean the place where side arms on the chairs makes me wedge so hard in a chair that I honestly was concerned about blood loss to my legs.  I could feel people staring at me from all over the buffet...and as I made my way to the self serve all you can eat tables of glory I was struck with the fear that all those eyes wanted to see how much this fat guy could cram on his plate.  That embarrassment alone would have this guy putting just a bun and a peace of meat on his plate before doing the walk of shame back to my under sized chair...and skip dessert...that would just be too embarrassing.  This was just part of my trip and although it was written in tongue and cheek, it is a harsh reality of the true feelings of what most of us endure even if we don't express it in words.  We are not alone...and I cannot wait to be graced with this awesome tool and get a 2nd chance at the life we often and running



on 3/6/14 8:44 am

Great post.. Now I want you to do one thing...After your surgery and your next trip , come on here and post...I would love to here the experience you have the second time around....The changes that will come to your life after this surgery are amazing...Looking forward to watching your journey......Krista..

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 3/6/14 8:46 am - Hamilton, Canada
RNY on 05/26/14

For sure Krista, thanks



(deactivated member)
on 3/6/14 9:48 am

Oh I so feel the shame. When I was in Nicaragua I broke one of the resin chairs because of my weight and the slide on the tile, it was so embarrassing. I had surgery before the next time I was down there.

cheers to you, thanks for your honest words

on 3/6/14 9:50 am

And this post reminds me of why I never go places. I know exactly where your coming from. Our goal is to have bodies we are proud of....and the life that each of us deserves. 

Soon your dream will be reality. It felt like it took forever for surgery to come. But 3weeks post op and 30lbs gone feels like it was just last month I started this process. Can't wait to hear about your next trip. 



on 3/6/14 10:12 am - Hamilton, Canada
RNY on 05/26/14

Congrats on your must feel so much better already.



on 3/6/14 10:28 am - London, Canada

I just got back from Cuba and I felt the same way. I glad I'm not alone in feeling embarrassed I thanked god everyday when the solid wood sturdy cabana was not rented and I could just lay there and read while my son went and swam, I would have loved to go in the pool with him but that would have entailed taking off my dress. I also didn't want the stares by all the other people there that had plastic surgery to make their boobs like beach balls.

To make matters worse on the plane I couldn't do up my seat belt, I didn't know there were extensions since the last time I was in a airplane I was 12. The stewardess rudely and publicly told me that they have seatbelt extensions for big people who cant fit into the regular seatbelts. I was so embarrassed everyone around me was looking at me I just wanted to crawl under my seat and die.

with all this when I get to my goal weight I would like to go away again as a new person and not be afraid to take my dress off and jump into the pool :) 




on 3/6/14 10:36 am - Hamilton, Canada
RNY on 05/26/14

yeah, I fly once or twice a year and have learned to ask for extenders when I enter the plane...most times the crew will be discreet and roll one up and drop in your hands at seat...this trip with Transat though the lady did make it quite noticeable.  Another thing she did is when they are giving a hot meal they made an announcement to drop the tray in front of you if you wanted to eat....YEAH RIGHT!!  Not a chance...then when she came by in a load voice said "Sir, your not eating?"  I quietly mumbled that in fact yes and she asked again to lower table...I said I would just use my wife's table.  By then every one knew what was going embarrassing I know how you felt.



on 3/7/14 10:16 pm - Peterborough, Canada

I know where you are coming from. My husband takes his seatbelt extender with him and never has to ask for it. It is so embarrassing and the tray thing is a whole other issue. You will be loving travel once you have your surgery. Good luck and thanks for the honest post. That was me a year ago but I did swim because I didn't give a f what anyone else thought of me and we always met great people who we still stay in touch with now. They can't believe the change. 


Onward and

on 3/6/14 10:37 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Life will be so much better after the surgery. Hold on tight and remind yourself that the next plane you take, you'll fit better into the seats, and you'll be the party animal of the resort next time around!

I took a flight in October after losing something like 150 lbs, and I just had to take a picture of my lap in the plane seat, with more than enough space and a seatbelt with many inches of room in it! An NSV pic for me to enjoy. :)

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

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